Say, 'Yes'!

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"Excuse Tilly, Mistress Greengrass," the little house elf said.

Daphne placed her knife and fork down and turned in her chair to see one of the two house elves that were assigned to the Hospital. She was standing there, her expressive blue eyes looking up with a mixture of apology for the interruption and intensity, telling Daphne that what she had to say was important.

"What is it, Tilly?" Daphne asked.

"Mistress asked Tilly and Tempi to say when patient changed and to tell her straight away," Tilly said, her large ears quivering slightly.

"What has changed in Mister Maximoff's condition?" Daphne asked and she could feel the intense gazes of the others at the table on her, especially the boy's sister.

"Breathing. Heart. Tilly thinks patient will wake soon."

The scraping of a chair behind her told Daphne that Wanda was already up and moving, a fact that Daphne was quickly copying.

"Thank you, Tilly, I'll be right along. Please continue to monitor him until I get there," she said.

Having given a single nod, Tilly popped away. Daphne let her hand rest on James' shoulder for a second before she strode from the room.

Wanda, she found, was leaning over her brother's bed, one hand carding through his blond locks, the other holding his hand. As Daphne rounded the bed, she noted that Wanda's eyes never even looked up, locked as they were on Pietro's closed ones.

Even before she checked Pietro's vitals with her wand, her ear told her that Tilly had been right – his breathing sounded more natural and much closer to someone who was awake in comparison to someone who was deep in a coma. Her diagnostic spell confirmed it. His heartrate she'd almost classify as being elevated, but that, she supposed, could simply be due to his unique physiology. Everything else looked good – he was in perfect health, no thanks to her own prodigious skills.

His eyes fluttered and she nodded her head.

"Pietro?" Wanda breathed.

"Give him a couple of minutes, he's been asleep for three weeks, remember," Daphne cautioned.

Together, they waited, Daphne watching her diagnostic charms closely; everything, though looked alright. The true test would be when he awoke properly. That would be when they'd know whether or not his brain had been damaged during the time that his heart had been stopped.

The next half hour seemed to drag by as Pietro drifted into semi-consciousness and then back into sleep before, finally his eyes opened more fully than they had ever been.

"Pietro?" Wanda asked once again.

"Wan ... da," he replied croakily, groggily.

Daphne allowed a half-smile. That was a great first sign – recognition of who was talking to him as well as the action of talking itself.

"Mister Maximoff, my name is Healer ... Doctor Greengrass," she said, capturing his attention and making sure to use a word that he'd be more familiar with. "I need to check how you are. Can you please focus on the light and follow it with your eyes?"

She watched as his eyes managed to focus on the tip of her wand and follow it from side to side and up and down even if he was frowning somewhat throughout it. She made sure to repeat the motion several times, varying the speed as well.

"That's good, Mister Maximoff," she nodded, pleased with his response.

"Pietro," he said, perhaps a shade slowly.

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