I Love You

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The next day, I woke up in my own bed at home. I was disappointed to hear complete silence. Usually there would be the sound of Brian cooking, or Freddie humming, or John laughing, I was even sad to not hear Roger screaming. I felt empty without having their warm greetings in the morning. All I was met with was Dad's cold stare.

"Morning" I mumbled

"Good morning" He muttered back

"What's the matter?" I asked. I know he would be disappointed but he was being a bit dramatic now

"I just had Freddie on the phone" Dad played with his food

"Oh yeah?" I smirked slightly

"It seems that Queen have gone on strike. They won't get back to work unless you come back" Dad sighed

"What did you say?" I asked

"You're not going back. They'll have to get over it otherwise they have no jobs" Dad shrugged

There was a knock on the door. Dad got up to get it as I stayed leant against the counter at home. Suzie was asleep in her bed, she looked so peaceful.

"Livi!" It was Brian's voice

"Guys?" I questioned. Not believing that they all were stood in front of me

"What are you doing now?" Dad sighed

"You didn't take our threat seriously enough" Roger said

"So, we either get Livi back as our manager or we kidnap her and make our own record label" Freddie shrugged, "we aren't picky"

"I give up. Go on then, off you go" Dad told me

I smiled so brightly as I ran into John's arms. The other boys then surrounded us in a group hug.

"Move in with me?" John whispered in my ear

"Of course!" I nodded, kissing him softly. I then turned to Dad and told him the news, "Dad, I'm moving out. I'm going to live with John"

Dad nodded, not really saying much. He couldn't really say no otherwise Freddie would have a go at him again.

"John" Dad spoke over our excited chatter

"Y-yes?" John said nervously

"Look after her" He said sternly before walking out of the house to go to work

"I will" John smiled at me

"What are we waiting for darlings?" Freddie interrupted our moment, "We've got to get Livi's stuff packed!"

"How much stuff do you have?" Brian asked

"Not much, don't worry" I grinned

By the end of the day, all of my stuff was at John's house. The other boys had gone home so it was just me and John cuddling on the sofa.

"You don't mind sharing a bed do you?" John questioned

"I'm in love with you, why would I want to sleep with you?" I said sarcastically causing John to roll his eyes

"Seriously" John tilted his head

"No, I really don't mind. In fact, I can't wait to wake up to next to your sleepy face" I grinned

"I hope you don't snore" John smirked as he pulled me closer

"Nope" I answered

"Good, 'cause I do" John chuckled

"I bet I'll love your snores" I laughed too

"Not when they wake you up at 1am" John kissed me on the cheek

"What was that for?" I asked

"I don't know, I just felt like it" John said quietly, stroking my hair

"In that case..." I began kissing him all over his face, causing John to screw his face up

"That tickled" John murmured

"Oh, you're ticklish?" I quizzed

"No" He held my hands, knowing what I was about to do next, "Are you?" He countered

"N-no" I shook my head

"Sure?" John raised an eyebrow

"Positive" I said confidently

"Oh right. So you won't mind if I do this?" In one swift motion, John has both of my hands in one of his and he was using his other hand to tickle all over my stomach

"John!!! Sto-stop! Ahhh!" I screamed, wriggling around. Out of nowhere I found some strength and pushed him back, I got on top of him and got my revenge

"Livi!" He laughed out loud. We were both breathless so I stopped tickling and collapsed on top of John. My head rested on his chest and I could hear his rapid heartbeat.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I suddenly broke the silence

"I feel the same way" John agreed, "I love you"

"I love you too John" I kissed his neck

The album went on to be a great success and a real turning point for the band. Consequently, Livi stayed as their manager and she hoped to have that job forever. The boys wanted that too, especially John. It meant that he could spend even more time with the love of his life. Her Dad was happy in the end. He came around eventually, accepting that his daughter and John were serious and completely in love.

The End x

Sorry guys. I thought it would be best to end it here and maybe do a one-shot at a later time on my other book. This was as far as I planned to take it anyway so please don't be mad at me!

I Just Can't Handle It - John DeaconWhere stories live. Discover now