Sweet Girl

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I just came back to the farm after getting some shopping. As I walked in with my arms full of shopping bags, John was just coming down the stairs.

"Let me help" He said as he rushed up to me and took half of the bags from my arms

"Most of this was from Freddie's shopping list" I quipped

"I don't doubt it" John scoffed. He was finally starting to warm up to me. We have been talking more too. Sometimes I walk into a room with all the boys in there and John is dancing around or something silly, but as soon as he sees me he turns all shy again.

John helped me put all the shopping away into the cupboards of the kitchen. When Brian saw us, he began to help too. The Queen boys are so kind to me. Don't get me wrong, they can be a pain and sometimes high maintenance but I wouldn't have it any other way. We've been here nearly a week now and I feel like we've all got to know each other quite well in that time. On Sunday, when our first week is officially marked, Dad is coming to visit. He said he'd give me a phone call today to tell me the details.

"Freddie!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs

"What?" I heard him shout from, probably, the other side of the farm house

"Come here!" I shouted back, just as loud

A few moments later, the frontman waltzed into the kitchen.

"I was summoned here on this fine Friday evening" He said in a posher than normal voice

"I got you some replacement biscuits, along with the other tonne of shopping you wanted" I incoherently muttered the last part

"Oh darling it was only a joke! But I'll take the biscuits anyway" Freddie said before he, and the biscuits, went off into the living room

We had just finished putting the shopping away when the phone rang.

"That will be Dad, you guys just relax for a bit. We'll record some stuff after dinner" I said to the boys before darting off to the telephone

"Hello. Olivia Beach speaking" I greeted

"Hello Olivia, it's Dad" The voice on the other end sounded quite chirpy

"Hey Dad, how is it going?" I asked

"All fine at this end. How are the boys? Are they causing trouble?" Dad questioned

"We've had a few...setbacks. But I think we can get it all done this month. Did you say you were coming here on Sunday?" I asked

"Yes. I'll bring Suzie with me" Dad said, "She's been missing you"

Suzie is our golden retriever dog. We had her since she was a puppy and now she is 6 years old. We got her from a rescue shelter. The reason why we got her was because of her name - Susan. It was just amusing to me and dad at the time how a cute little dog can have an odd name like Susan. Now we use Suzie as her nickname.

"I've missed her too! I haven't got her to keep my feet warm at night!" I giggled. Suzie slept on the end of my bed at home, so she would always warm me up

"When you say setbacks, what do you mean?" Dad backtracked

"Just an incident with a blonde drummer and a cupboard, and a frontman and his biscuits, but I've sorted it out and we're all good" I reassured

"Have you got any songs done?" Dad asked after he'd finished laughing

"We have one and a half songs done. We're hoping to make that a complete two tonight" I explained

"Good. What songs are they?" Dad questioned

"Sweet Lady and the one we're finishing later is called The Prophets Song" I answered

"I can't wait to hear them on Sunday" I could hear the smile in his voice

"Me too! See you soon Dad" I smiled

"Bye bye" He hung up

As I went to go into the living room I could hear the boys talking. I then heard my name pop up. I decided to listen in to whatever they are saying.

"She's a sweet girl" Brian commented

"Jim will go mad, I can see it coming" Roger said. Mad? Mad about what?

"Look, you hardly speak to her John. She won't date you if you don't talk to her" Freddie's comment made me freeze to the spot.

"I'm trying Freddie! But, I don't know, whenever I'm around her my words just won't form and I can't function properly" John spoke with desperation in his voice

"So you really are in love" Freddie's voice was quiet, but still loud enough that I could hear

"I think so. I've never felt like this before" John's words made my heart melt. Yes I was attracted to John but I didn't think he was feeling the same. This was the last thing I was expecting to hear. I had already accepted the fact that mine and John's relationship will only go as far as friends. As Freddie said, he doesn't talk to me much so it doesn't seem like he is interested. I think I'm just going to wait for John to make a move.

"Hey guys!" I burst in. I saw all their faces drop, "What's for dinner then?" I smiled, pretending that I heard nothing

"Pizza!" Roger shouted like a child

"I'll come and help you" Brian said before hoisting himself up and following me to the kitchen. I had a last look at John, he was breathing pretty heavily and had rosy cheeks

I started getting all the ingredients ready to make the pizza bases when Brian asked, "How is Jim?"

"He's good. He's coming here on Sunday so we better tidy the place up" I giggled

"Probably making sure we are treating you well" Brian spoke softly

"Yeah. But you are so he's got nothing to worry about" I smiled

"What's up? You don't seem as...perky as normal" Brian questioned

"I'm fine" I gave him a look

"You heard, didn't you?" Brian quizzed

"Yes but shh" I put my finger up to my lips, "I'll let him come to me, I'm not pushing anything to happen"

"So you want it to happen?" Brian raised an eyebrow

"I wouldn't say no" I shrugged, "Don't you dare speak a word of this though. It's between you and me"

"Of course. I'm the best secret keeper in the land" Brian winked. I knew it was true.

"Thank you Bri" I hugged him

"No worries" he hugged back

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