The Damn Cupboard

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The next day we decided to actually get some work done. That's why we are here after all. The boys have written a few songs so we were just gathered around, hearing all the ideas.

"So ladies, what have we got?" Freddie asked

They were all sat around the dining room table. Even though there were enough chairs for us all, I opted to watch on from the kitchen counter. I had heard of their fights, I don't want any of that to happen on my watch. I zoned out for a moment until I heard Brian raise his voice.

"Really Rog?"

"It's a good song. You won't even listen to it!" Roger screeched

"I don't need to listen to it, I can tell from the title that it's not right for us" Brian defended

"What's so wrong about it?" Roger quizzed

"I'm In Love With My Car" Brian read out from Roger's note pad

"Yes" Roger nodded

"We're not having it" Brian resumed to a normal volume

"Come and find me when you decide to put it on the album" Roger slammed his notes on to the table and went off into a cupboard

"Roger?" I questioned

"I'm not coming out until it's on the album" I heard Roger's muffled voice from inside the cupboard

Freddie got up and attempted to open the door, "Roger don't be a baby" He sighed

"It's locked, don't bother trying" Roger shouted

I let Brian and Freddie try and coax the blonde drummer out of his hiding place and went over to John.

"Is he always like this?" I giggled

"It beats proper fights. He punched Brian last time" John frowned with a little blush on his cheeks

"Have you written any songs?" I asked

"Uh yeah, it's called 'Your My Best Friend'" John's blush got brighter

"It sounds great. Have you shown the boys?" I questioned

"Yeah. Roger d-doesn't like it so I don't think it's going on the album" John put his hand over his bit of paper with the lyrics on it

"Go lock yourself in a cupboard and he might let you" I laughed

I heard John chuckle lightly before saying, "If t-they don't like my songs I just get on with it. They aren't t-the best so I understand."

"I'm sure they are better than you think" I smiled at him

"T-thank you" He looked away from me

"If you'll excuse me, I need to drag a blonde drummer out of a cupboard" I grinned

"Of course" John looked over to Brian and Freddie who were sat on the kitchen floor, talking to Roger.

I went back into the kitchen and crouched down in front of the cupboard that Roger was now inhabiting.

"Roger, it's Liv, open up" I banged my fist on the door

"Never!!!" Roger screamed

"What will make you come out?" I asked

"Put my song on the album!" Roger chanted

"Alright we can do that" I said

"What?" Freddie nearly had a heart attack

"You're kidding right?" Brian whispered

I shook my head, "we need to get some work done and we can't do that without Roger. Just one questionable song won't matter"

"I think I might pass out" Freddie exaggerated

"Trust me Freddie" I put my hand on his knee before turning back to the cupboard, "Roger, we've agreed to your terms"

"All of you?" Roger interrogated

"Yes" I replied

"Even John?" Roger asked

"John, do you agree?" I popped my head up from the counter and saw the bass player nodding, "That's a yes"

"Get our the damn cupboard" Brian whined

"I'm coming out, watch yourselves" The cupboard door flew open and Roger flew out, "I feel like Freddie - coming out of the cupboard"

"Firstly it's the closet, not the cupboard. Secondly, go away, I'm annoyed at you" Freddie marched back to the dining table

Roger had the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face.

"I knew you saw the potential" He said to me

"Oh, yes. Yes I did" I nodded, totally laughing

"It's going to be a fan favourite, I promise" Roger said before skipping off to the boys in the dining area

"Sure" I rolled my eyes

I watched on as the boys continued discussing their songs.

"What do you think Livi?" Brian asked

I read through the list of songs they had made for the album. I saw that they were all written by Freddie, Brian, and Roger. I thought John's song would be a great addition.

"We have room for one more song I think. How about John's song?" I mentioned

Out of the corner of my eye I saw John's eyes widen and his face turn red.

"No" Roger was quick to put me down

"It wasn't a suggestion Roger. Plus, you got your song. Brian has four, Freddie has five" I ordered, sounding more like their manager

"I think we should give it a try" Brian backed me and John up

"What do you think John?" Freddie asked

"C-can we at l-least t-try" John looked down at his feet

"Of course darling" Freddie put a comforting hand on John's shoulder

"Thank you" John mumbled

"Come on then guys, into the studio" I said before we all got up and headed for the recording room

We pinned up the song list on to a wall.

"Where w-will my song fit in?" John asked timidly

"How about in between '39 and sweet lady?" Brian suggested

"No, put it after Roger's song." Freddie grabbed a pen and started writing it down, "we need a great song after that" Freddie whispered to me and John.

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