A Kiss And A Cuddle

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A/N: I know this chapter is very short and really not the best. It's a bit of a filler chapter tbh. Also, I've been writing for an advent fanfic (check it out) so my time has been taken up by that every day. Hopefully the next few chapters will be better than this mess 😂

I woke up the next morning, still in John's arms. I didn't want to leave him but I knew I had to get shopping for the farm house. I snuck out of the bed and wrote him a note...

'Good morning my love,
I've gone shopping so I'll see you later
Love, Livi x'

I went downstairs and found Roger eating some toast.

"Morning Roger" I greeted

"Hey" He smiled with a mouth full of food

"Are you the only one down?" I asked

"Yeah. I checked on Freddie and Brian. They are too hungover to even move out of bed. I was too scared to check on you and John" he smirked

"Nothing happened" I said seriously, "nothing more than a kiss and a cuddle"

"I believe you, don't worry" Roger finished his breakfast and put his plate in the sink

"I'm going shopping for some things, do you want to come along?" I quizzed

"Yeah sure. Do you need help picking out a present for your boyfriend?" Roger questioned

"W-what?" I stuttered

"He's 24 tomorrow" Roger grinned

"You're a life saver, come on. We need to go" I rushed around

Roger giggled as we walked out to his car. Of course, he went straight to the drivers seat and I got in to the passenger side.

"Where to?" Roger asked

"The nearest town please driver" I answered

"Hey! Cheeky!" Roger grinned before changing the conversation to John, "What are you going to get him?"

"I don't know. I've never had a boyfriend, what do you males like?" Half of me was messing around but the other half was serious

"Cars" Roger shrugged

"1, I can not afford a car. And 2, cars are your thing, not John" I sighed

"John isn't really in to anything. Apart from music of course. Other than that, just get the usual present y'know, clothes, chocolate, cologne..." Roger trailed off

"I'm glad you're here to help me pick stuff. I want to get him something special and memorable" I explained

"Let's go to the record store first. They might have a gem in there" Roger thought out loud

"Good plan. We can look at the bass guitars" I suggested

"I know he's been looking at one. We can all chip in for that if I can remember which one. Then we can go and find that something special from you" Roger planned

"Ok" I agreed

We wondered into the music shop. The town we were in didn't have a record store but we found that this shop had a whole wall of records in it, as well as instruments.

"Wow look at all these" Roger awed at the vinyls

"Impressive. I know John loves the Beatles, are there any here?" I asked

"Right here" Roger pointed

"How am I supposed to pick? There's loads!" I stressed

"Don't fret. I know which one he hasn't got yet." Roger grinned

"Care to tell me?" I crossed my arms

"Revolver, right there" Roger pointed it out

I picked up the black and white album with a smile, "thank you Rog"

"No worries. I think I've just spotted the bass he wants" Roger looked over to the guitars

"Ooo! Show me!" I said excitedly

"This one" Roger picked up the bass

"What is it called" I held the bass, it looked so beautiful

"Fender Precision" Roger answered

"It looks amazing" I smiled

We went to buy the gifts for John before heading back to the farm house. I quickly snuck inside and hid the presents under my bed. I then decided to go and check on John and his hangover.

I tip toed up the stairs and slowly opened the door. As I peeked in I saw his head rise and his eyes land on my. An instant smile appeared on his face and it warmed my heart to know he was happy to see me. His big puffy duvet was up to his ears and he looked very snug and content.

"Good morning, or should I say good afternoon?" I teased

He hummed a laugh before saying, "I got your note. Then I fell asleep again" he smirked

"Oh really?" I plonked myself on the edge of the bed, "Can't handle a hangover?"

"I can, through sleep and more sleep" John stretched his arms before letting them fall to his sides. I took the hand that was closest to me and began to draw circles, with my finger, on his palm.

"Just take it easy" I gave him a kiss on the forehead before getting on with the rest of my day.

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