And Me

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I woke up and stretched my arms out. I slept like a baby! I probably exhausted myself with the stress of Dad being here. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad more than anything, I'm just desperate to impress him and I feel like I'm failing.

When I finally decided that I should get out of bed, I went straight to the wardrobe to pick out my clothes for today. The summer weather was really showing itself today so decided to put on some shorts and a T-shirt. My shorts were black denim and my T-shirt was plain white. It was very simple but I've always been that way, I've never dressed up in my life.

I went up to the studio and saw the boys were in there.

"Morning!" I cheered

"Hello darling! I just wanted to say that you were fantastic yesterday. We've put it all together and the song sounds great" Freddie said with a huge smile on his face

"We just need to teach you the other instruments and then you'll be taking our jobs" Brian chuckled

"I couldn't be trusted with the precious Red Special" I claimed

"Nonsense! Come on, we should give Livi a music lesson!" Freddie declared

"We should be getting to work" I insisted

"You should know us by now, we don't take no for an answer" Roger grinned

"John, tell them" I groaned

John just smiled and walked over to me. He turned me around so my back was towards him and brought his bass over my head and the strap fell on to my shoulder.

"What song shall we play?" John asked Freddie, completely ignoring my protests

"So you really don't take no as an answer" I sighed

"Why do you think I ended up in the cupboard?" Roger had a mischievous look in his eyes

"You guys are going to be the end of me, you know that right?" I tried to make them feel guilty but it was no use

"Darling, we won't let anybody take you away. You're staying whether you like it or not" Freddie stated

"Thanks guys. That means a lot" I smiled

"Right, what song shall we do?" Freddie changed the subject

"I'm in love with my car" Roger piped in

"No!" The three other members of Queen (and me) shouted

"How about, Doing Alright?" Brian suggested

"Perfect!" Freddie clapped his hands twice before going to the piano

"Between you and me, that's one of my favourites from that album" I mentioned

"Flattery gets you everywhere" John whispered in my ear

John began to show me how to play the bass parts in the song. He stood behind me and played, clearly not looking as the bass was in my hands.

"How are you doing that?" I chuckled

"He's a pro" Freddie stated proudly

"Just relax and follow my lead" John ordered softly

In about half an hour I managed to get one tiny part right.

"I think I'll leave the bass playing to the master" I grinned as I gave the bass back to John

"Try electric guitar, it's much better" Brian teased

"Is not" John protested

"I'll try, but they are quite similar so I doubt I'll be any better" I explained

"All you need to do is this" Brian said before playing the heavy guitar part in the song

"Just like that? I think I'll pass Bri. Maybe another time when we haven't got so much work to do" I put my hands up in surrender

"Try the drums! I'm an excellent teacher" Roger boasted

"It's an easy instrument to play" Brian teased

"No skill needed whatsoever" Freddie teased further

"First of all, fuck you, both of you. Second of all, it's not as easy as it looks. Especially if you have incompetent band mates" Roger muttered the last part

"I think drums will be more up my street" I walked over to Roger and took his drumsticks

"Do you like a big bang dear?" Freddie purposely made an innuendo, "take note Deaky" Freddie nudged the bass player

"Freddie!" I screeched, "I think it's time to be quiet" I glared at him

"Sorry darling, I couldn't help myself. I'll stop, I promise" Freddie gave me a sincere look

"Thank you" I grinned, feeling successful, "Right Rog, teach me"

After a short lesson from Roger I managed to do a simple beat. I wasn't a natural like Roger, I was quite hesitant and slow.

"Maybe stick to singing?" Brian joked

"Oh push off" I laughed, "I love music but I can't play music. I can only sing" I explained

"That's good enough for me dear" Freddie said

"And me" John said after I walked back over to him. He had a big cheeky grin on his face and a small blush

I Just Can't Handle It - John DeaconWhere stories live. Discover now