Truth Or Dare?

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A/N: I literally wrote this whole chapter TWICE and then it just went. I'm so mad 😡 Anyway, it probably wasn't as good as the first time or second time but here is the chapter! Third time lucky 🤞
Also, check out my Christmas Queen book x

It was getting pretty late for day two of recording death on two legs. We had decided that the we were happy with the song. We plan to listen to the songs when we get back to London and make small changes there if needed.

"How about a few drinks?" Roger said, already putting down an arm-full of drinks onto the small table between the two sofas

"Tonight, ladies, we shall NOT be sober" Freddie cheered

"Grab a drink Liv" Roger offered

"Thank you" I said as I picked up a bottle of god knows what

"Are you sure? Jim would never let you" Brian questioned

"Come on Bri, have some fun. Anyway, I've been very drunk before and I've found out that I wouldn't get told off if dad never finds out" I laughed

"Only if you are sure" Brian gave me a look

"Positive" I grinned before having a sip from my bottle, "anyway, I am 18"

"I know, I just don't want your dad to kill us" Brian explained

"Come on guys! Let's play a game!" Freddie nearly spilled his drink in excitement

"What game?" John asked, "I'm not playing the one we did last time"

"Truth or dare?" Freddie suggested

"Alright" John agreed

"Me first!" Roger put his hands in the air like a school child

"Ok, ok, Roger, truth or dare?" Freddie asked

"Dare!" Roger said confidently

"I dare you to yell out the first word that comes to your head" Freddie said

"SPONGE!" Roger shouted at the top of his voice

"Why sponge?" Brian asked

"I don't know, it was the most random thing that came into my mind" Roger shrugged

"Brian, truth or dare" John said

"Truth"  Brian answered

"Tell us your most embarrassing moment" John said

"Urgh" Brian groaned, "I was more drunk then I am now, and for some reason I wanted to prove a sign wrong"

"A sign?" I questioned

"Yep. It said "no running around the pool". I wanted to prove that that you could without falling in, and, well, I fell in..." Brian's voice got quieter as he told his story. We all burst into laughter.

"And he's supposed to be the smart one" Roger giggled

"Freddie, truth or dare!" I asked

"Truth, dear" Freddie grinned

"Tell us who you have a crush on" I said

"No" Freddie said in his unintentionally posh voice

"You have to Fred!" Roger argued

"He's called Jim" Freddie muttered

"Ew!" I cringed

"No, not your Dad. That's Miami. This Jim is called Jim Hutton" Freddie explained

"Tell us about him" John added

"Fine. He is Irish and extremely handsome" Freddie said with a small blush on his face

"Awww!" I cooed

"Enough about me, who's go is it now?" Freddie questioned

"John! Truth or dare?" Roger quizzed

"Dare" John said after taking a drink from his bottle

"I dare you to affectionately kiss the prettiest person in this room" Roger said

John looked at me and blushed. I smiled as he began to lean in.

"No!" Brian shouted, "take it upstairs, I don't want to see"

"You're such a baby" I laughed

"You're like a sister to me and no brother wants to see that. Now go!" Brian explained, waving us off

We stumbled up the stairs, proving to ourselves how drunk we really are. John pushes his way into his room and guided me in.

"You know, we don't have to do this if you don't want to. They'll never know" I smiled

"I want to" I put my hand on his shoulder, mainly on steady myself

John moved a piece of hair that drunkenly fell onto my face. He then leaned in and it felt like fireworks went off. Yes, we have kissed before, but that was just a peck. Now, I don't know if it was because of the dare or the alcohol, but something just switched with John and he had this confidence.

We parted for breath and I was the first to break the silence, "Wow" I smiled as we kept staring into each other's eyes. We were still holding each other in the same way from when we were kissing. His arms were around my waist and mine were resting on his shoulders.

There was a knock on the door, "Guys we are tired and going to bed" said Brian from the other side

"Goodnight!" I shouted back

Me and John heard three separate doors shut before we burst into drunk giggles.

I held in my laughter long enough to say "Their grandpa bones are tired"

"Shh, we don't want to wake the grumpy old men" John tried to contain his chuckles

"I'm sleepy!" I yawned as I dramatically collapsed on to John

"Alright, let's get you to bed too then" John whispered

"Thank you" I slurred

"I'll go downstairs" John made his way to the door

"No!" I whined, "I want to cuddle" I put my arms out

"O-ok" John stuttered

John ever so gently climbed into bed after changing into some shorts. He put an arm around me and I instantly latched on to his side.

"Night night John" I mumbled

"Sweet dreams my love" John gave me a kiss on the forehead which made me smile

Soon enough I was drifting off to sleep with a very content grin on my face. I could get used to this.

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