What Is This?

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"Get up" John threw the pillow, that I was laying on, in my face

"Get out!" I retaliated

"Nope, come on" Now he was trying to drag me out of my bed by my ankle

"John!" I squealed

"Livi!" He mocked me, trying to squeal like I did but only ending up with a voice crack and us laughing at it

I managed to grab John's wrist and pull him over. John toppled in top of me before rolling over to the other side of the bed.

"What are you doing?" I questioned

"We are going to have a pool day. But seeing as you don't want to get up then I don't think we will" John has a tiny smirk on his face

"No! I'm up!" I jumped out of bed, "Look John I'm up!"

"Get ready, I'll see you in the garden" John smiled brightly before leaving my room

I quickly got into my swimsuit and got outside to where the pool is. Freddie and Roger were already in, floating around and occasionally splashing each other. Brian was sat on the edge with his feet in the water. John was waiting for me on one of the sun beds.

"You're finally here!" Freddie cheered

"Yes, I was rudely awoken" And with that I gave John a hug

"Good morning to you too" He grinned

"Nice swimming trunks, did they have any in a smaller size?" I whispered sarcastically

"Very funny. I may or may not have bought these 5 years ago and they may or may not be the only swim shorts I have" John grinned

"Are you going in?" I pointed to the water

"Maybe in a bit. Are you?" He asked

"No" I shook my head simply

"I think you are" John raised an eyebrow

"What?" I questioned, confused

What I didn't realise is that Brian had snuck up behind me. He held on to one arm and John grabbed the other. I began thrashing about until they caught my legs too.

"No! Stop!" I squealed

"Bon voyage!" Brian chuckled as they threw me in

I went completely under. As I surfaced I saw all the boys laughing.

"I hate you all" I muttered

"Hey Liv, Bri and John look a bit too dry don't you think?" Roger whispered

"You could say that" I was intrigued at what he was plotting

"I'll grab Brian's ankles and you get John" Roger had an evil smirk on his face

"It's on" I grinned

Me and Roger swam over to the edge where the two guitar players were stood. Quickly, we grabbed their ankles and pulled them in. Both let out a gasp just as they were about to hit the water. John floated back up to the top and traced his fingers up the sides of my legs as he did. He kissed my nose when he was face to face with me and kept his hands on my waist. I pushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his newly exposed forehead.

"What is this?" A voice boomed

Still holding on to John, I looked around and saw my Dad. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach as John quickly let go of me.

"Uh, Dad! You're a day early!" I tried to avoid what he was about to say

"You should be at work! And John! I expected better from you" Dad scolded

"This is my fault, don't blame them" I took the blame

"My mind has been made. You're not managing them anymore. Please pack your things" Dad looked down at me

"You can't do this!" I screeched

"As well as your father, I am your boss. This is the best thing to do. Now, go and pack" Dad spoke sternly

We all got out of the pool. The boys didn't feel like a joyous day by the pool anymore. I wrapped myself in a towel and went indoors to get my things. When I was in my room I looked out of the window to see them all still standing there. It looked like Freddie and my Dad were having an argument. I looked over to John and he looked over to me, he mouthed 'I'm sorry'. I just frowned and got on with my packing. I didn't know what was going to happen, a part of me didn't want to know.

I ended up in Dad's car, travelling to who knows where. He had a still look on his face and the whole journey was uncomfortable.

"What was I thinking?" Dad said to himself

"I think I did a pretty good job" I commented

"What? At distracting them?" Dad laughed falsely, "I can't believe you"

"I did nothing wrong" I stated

"When I catch you cuddling up to John, that's nothing wrong is it?" Dad said

"No. We're together Dad and very much in love" I nearly shouted

"Olivia, he's 6 years older than you!" Dad shouted

"I don't care! I love him!" I raised my voice as loud as it would go

"I'm not having this. We're going home and you'll be finding universities to go to" Dad said

I didn't answer him. I knew the boys would put up a fight - they promised. There is no way Dad is going to win this time. Even if I'm not their manager, I'm still John's girlfriend. You can't part us that easily. How long will Dad take to realise that?

I Just Can't Handle It - John DeaconWhere stories live. Discover now