Give The Lady A Hand

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It was the very early hours of Sunday when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I got up to see who it was and when I opened the door, I was slightly surprised to see that it was John.

"S-sorry to wake you" He apologised

"No worries. What's up?" I asked

"There's a weird noise in my room. It's creeping me out a bit, I just wanted to be sure that it's an actual noise and it's not just in my head" John explained

"Ok. Lead the way" I said

I followed John up to his room. It was very...tastefully decorated. Compared to the other rooms in the farm house, John's was incredibly tidy.

"Can you hear it?" John asked quietly

I listened for a second and did hear a noise. It was like a rattling growl.

"Yeah" I whispered

"W-what is it?" He stuttered

I walked over to one of the walls and the noise got louder. I put my ear against the wall.

"It's Roger snoring from the next room" I said whilst stifling a laugh

"Oh. Sorry, it just sounded like a monster" John scratched the back of his head

"Close enough" I smirked

"T-thank you though" John smiled

"It's ok" I gave John a hug. Although it was the most awkward hug of my life, it was also the best. I could get used to that.

"Uh, I'll see you in the morning" John gave me eye contact for the first time in forever, he got lost in my eyes

"Sweet dreams John" I squeezed his hand before leaving him in his room

I woke up again, this time by my alarm clock and not my admirer. I quickly put on some shorts and a white long sleeved t-shirt before trying to contain my hair, by brushing it, and then going upstairs to the living room. I saw that all the boys were up so I went and sat next to Brian.

"Did you have a good sleep Roger?" I asked

"Yeah, why?" He questioned suspiciously

"John thought there was a monster in his room but it turned out to be your snoring"

"Wasn't me!" Roger defended

"Whatever you say..." I said sarcastically

Conversation changed when Brian leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Can I have a word?"

"Private?" I raised an eyebrow, using the same tone as Brian.

"Yeah, let's go outside" Brian got up and I followed him

"Ok" I said. I was more than happy to talk with Brian, but those dreaded words still made me nervous

We made it outside and sat on the front step. Brian smiled before he took a breath and said, "What are you going to do?"

"You're going to have to narrow it down Bri" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder

"About John" He whispered, even though nobody could hear

I gave Brian a rubbish answer, "I don't know"

"Have you come up with a plan? Do you want to hear my opinion?" Brian quizzed

"What do you think?" I asked

"John. He's, he's a very sensitive person. I know you won't break his heart, that's not the kind of person you are -"

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