I Hope You're Right

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Me and John were still hugging on the sofa when I realised what day it was.

"It's Sunday!" I panicked

"Well done Columbo!" Freddie used one of his favourite sayings on me

"Dad's going to be here!" I started running around, tidying the place up

"Livi, slow down" John rushes after me

"Don't tell him we are together, not yet" I frowned

"That's fine but please calm down. You'll have a heart attack" John held my hand

"Ok, alright, I will" I nodded 

Me and John hugged until the doorbell rang seconds later. I gave John a panicked look.

"I won't say a word" John whispered before giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Thank you" I smiled before going to get the door

I opened the door and Dad smiled when he saw me.

"Hello Olivia" He gave me a hug

"Hey Dad" I greeted him

"How has everything been?" Dad questioned

"Already down to business" I sighed, "Everything is fine there is nothing to fret about"

"Have you picked the single and the b-side yet?" Dad quizzed

"Yes, we recorded them both this week" I sighed

"I'll listen to them later. What are the boys doing now?" Dad asked

"They should be writing. Tweaking a few of the lyrics and stuff" I shrugged

"Let's go and see them then" Dad got me to guide him to the studio

The boys were all in there. Freddie was playing random notes on the piano and taking note. Roger was talking with Brian about what I assume was one of the guitarist's songs. John was fiddling with buttons on his amp until he saw me and smiled.

"Hello Miami dear" Freddie said enthusiastically

"Good to see you at work Fred, what have we got?" Dad wondered over to Freddie. I took this chance to go and stand by John. He gave me a little nudge and then a grin which changed my mood entirely. Before, I was uptight, now I feel more mellow.

"This? Oh! This is just a short song I've got called 'Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon'. I'm just finalising a few notes and then we'll get straight to recording it" Freddie said dramatically with hand gestures and everything

"Everything ok?" John mumbled so only I could hear

"Yeah" I sighed for what felt like the millionth time since Dad arrived, "I'm just scared really"

"What for?" John had a face of pure concern

"I'm scared Dad won't let me work with you. I'm scared he'll find out about us. I'm scared I'll get shipped off to uni..." I ranted in a low tone

"Hey, don't worry. We've got this. I promise it will all turn out ok" John winked

"I hope you're right" I said

"Can we make a start on my song?" Freddie spoke up, "I only changed the piano part so you guys don't have to worry about anything new" The frontman explained

John, Brian, and Roger scattered to get to their instruments. I stayed near John because that's where I felt most comfortable. I was too worried to be around Dad right now.

The recording was going really well and I must admit, it was a catchy song. I was quietly singing along as they recorded the instrument parts.

"Livi sweetheart, I've had an idea which I'm not sure how you'll react" Freddie said as he walked up to me

"Stop with the riddles Freddie" I giggled

"Alright. Would you like to do a bit of backing vocals with us for this song?" Freddie asked

"Really?! Yes please Freddie!" I couldn't contain my excitement

"Yes really!" He giggled, "maybe you can get our darling Deaky to join in too?" He winked slyly before joining Roger and Brian by the mic. John could hear Freddie, I knew because he tried to make himself look busy

I went up to John and said, "Come on, let's sing!"

"No I can't" he whined

"Not even for me?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes

"Fine" he gave in

We all stood around the mic. I was so excited to be singing with Queen!

"On 4 we are going to be doing the 'there he goes again' part" Freddie instructed

"Ok" We all agreed

"1..2..3..4.." Freddie counted us in

"There he goes again" we all sang

"You're a damn liar!" I pointed at John

"What?" Brian questioned, confused at my outburst

"He can sing!" I announced, "John can sing!"

"No!" John protested

"I know what I heard, don't lie again" I raised my eyebrow at him

John just giggled and shook his head. Freddie was really happy with that take so he didn't want us to do it again. We went and sat around the studio, working on lyrics again.

Me? Oh, I was keeping watch. Dad? He was keeping watch of me. I could feel his stare at the back of my head. I felt so on edge that I could collapse. I went over to John to see what he was getting up to. I saw he had his notebook but I was pretty sure he said he finished his song.

"What are you doing?" I asked sweetly

"I wanted to add a few more lines to my song" John confessed

"What's the line?" I quizzed

"It used to be... You're my sunshine and I want you to know, oh, you're my best friend. But now it's... You're my sunshine and I want you to know, that my feelings are true, I really love you, oh, you're my best friend" John followed his finger along the page of lyrics as he said them, "Do you like it or is it too much?"

"Like it? I love it" I smiled

"I'm going to show it to Freddie and Jim" John smiled proudly, "I'll be back in a second"

I Just Can't Handle It - John DeaconWhere stories live. Discover now