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This is an authors note - not an extra chapter, sorry to disappoint.

So I have begun rewriting this story. I will not be uploading any of it until it is finished. So far ive only redone the first chapter and it probably wont be finished until after one of my other stories (Hell has its advantages (there's werewolves :) is probably the most likely).

The redrafted version, at this pont in time, is called "A Story of Stiles Stilinski" but if anyone has any suggestions i would love to hear them. In fact, even just what you thought about this version, what you want to stick around, what you want to change - you may even get a little hint at whats to come in the next one if you ask for it (once i have that much). Basically just tell me anything.

I know my authors notes are really awkward but yeah, comment, send me a message, make smoke signals - whatever.

Also, I have started work on a sequel but it's currently just planning and nothing will be done with it until after the rewrite as I am going to make it the sequel to "A Story of Stiles Stilinski". The sequel is for Isaac but it will have Stiles and Roxie moments.

Again, thank you for reading and sticking with me. I really appreciate it.

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