Chapter 10

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We didn't go to Derek's house this time. We went to a, well a warehouse I think. He didn't look too happy to see me. I wasn't really happy to see him but I didn't want to be left out of the loop. All of this, I was connected to it somehow. I'm not sure how yet but I will eventually find out.

"why is she here?" Derek asked practically spitting on me.

"for starters, it's not she, it's Roxie and this concerns me somehow. I'm a part of this whether you like it or not."

"don't get in my way. Wheres the letter?" rude much. Scott took the letter out of his pocket. Derek snatched the letter away without any hesitation. He read it quickly and then his eyes fixed on me and only me. They were red again. This time though, it was so much more scary. There was no random burst of confidence. No fight or flight either. I was too scared to fight and even if I did I wouldn't win and then my flight, my breathing was hardly working. I was surprised I was still standing and not passed out on the ground.

"your. A. Hunter." I swear to god he had fangs. The way he split up his words scared me more and more every second. I was literally shaking.

"she's not a hunter." Scott tried to but in and stepped in front of me. That slightly reduced my shaking.

"oh wake up Scott. The letter says it all, right here in black and white." derek yelled at Scott scaring me shitless.

"what's with all the yelling." shit. Isaac. He's here. God if I knew that then I definitely wouldn't have went. I would've stayed home and actually watched 10 things I hate about you.

Stiles took hold of my hand all protective like. I was about to grab his anyway but this way it saves me the effort. I held on tight. I'm surprised he didn't try get me to loosen up. I was terrified by one guy and I wanted to kill the other. If only I could kill the guy that was scaring me and that would be that. Wait, that's hunter talk, at least I think it is. I take it all back. Don't tell Derek. He'll eat me, literally.

"Roxie's family are hunters. I say we kill her and the rest can wait till later." Derek's so mean. I don't know what I did to deserve this guy. Seriously. What did I do??? What ever it was I'm sorry. Make the nightmarish asshole go away.

"i have a better idea. Wouldn't it be much easier to go against hunters if we know their plans..." Isaac said looking so proud. Well anymore bits of movie plots they want to cram into my life go right on ahead. Maybe a bit of Dracula next. Or even a little Sherlock Holmes. Or batman. Batman would be good. Let's go with batman. Time to go to Gotham.

I'd much rather be there than here. Here was just uncomfortable.

They want me to be a spy, a double agent, a mole, a worm, pick any there's loads of options but only one answer.

"no. No way. I'm not going to do it." I tried to protest against it. No one was backing me up. Not even stiles.

Love you too baby.

"do it or you die." Derek threatened. I suddenly felt the confidence flowing back into me. God. I am seriously going to get myself killed.

"go ahead." I said letting go of stiles' hand, walking up to Derek and putting my hands on my hips. He growled at me but I didn't care. I was doing much the same back.

"keep going and I will."

"Look, id love to help, really I would but taylor has told me none of this. We had to steal the letter, so if you want information I'm not the right girl but if you want help to figure whatever this is out, I'm all ears" that got Derek thinking. His 'fangs' went away. His eyes began to return to normal rather than big red things.

"fine. Everyone meet here at three o'clock tomorrow and don't be late." Derek said as we all started to leave. I was so relieved. I get to live some more. Yay. I think dying would have put a little bit of a downer on my Saturday.

Me Scott and stiles began to walk out of the warehouse.

"hey, Roxie. Wait up." Isaac called. I seriously didn't want to talk to him. he almost ruined my relationship last night. In not in the mood to discuss it. I started to walk faster to get away but I guess werewolves are faster and he ran to block my path.

"get out of my way Isaac." I used my most demanding and pissed off voice to try give him the message.

"I just want to talk. Five minutes that's all I want. In private? Please Roxie."yeah sure. The last time we were in private he planted one right on my lips. This time, god only knows.

But he sounded so desperate. Like he really actually wanted to talk to me.

Is that really happening or am I losing my mind?

I don't know why but my head was telling me to get the hell out of there but everywhere else was telling me to hear him out.

Why couldn't my head have had a better argument?

Stiles obviously didn't want Isaac near me never mind alone with me but I couldn't do that to anyone. Every second i spent thinking about it the grip on my hand got tighter and tighter. I felt bad for Isaac almost. He looked so weak, standing in front of me. Deep down there was the slight fear of me hurting his feelings somehow and him wanting to rip me to shreds. I wish last night hadn't happened. I wanted to stay friends with him.

"five minutes," I turned to look at stiles who looked really annoyed at my answer, "I'll meet you at your jeep okay?" Slowly, stiles nodded and I quickly kissed him before he released my hand and left with Scott. Leaving me with Isaac. Alone. No Derek. No nothing.

I did not think this one through much.

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