Chapter 6

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We both got out of the car and joined hands just like we did at Roxie's house. Scotts mom opened the door for us both and I walked in pulling Roxie behind me. Scott must have told her what was going on which was pretty good. Now that she knows about werewolves shell hopefully be able to help with Roxie if she faints or something.

Scott was sitting in the living room looking deadly serious. I didn't even look as serious and she's my girlfriend. Me and Roxie sat on one of the two seater sofas and Scott and his mom sat on the other.

"Roxie I don't know how you say this but Scotts a..." that was a bad way to say it.

"your brother was..." sensitive subject. Best to avoid starting with that.

"Derek from the other day..." they didn't get off to the best start. Well this is not working out how I thought it would.

"Roxie I'm a werewolf." Scott came out with. He did much better than me. A full sentence made easy.

"yeah Scott and I'm really a zombie and stiles is really batman." she laughed out. Everyone looked disappointed.

"Roxie it's true." I said hoping shed believe me but all I got was a slightly sarcastic reply.

"okay stiles. If you think Scotts a werewolf I believe you." I looked down disappointed just as I heard a growl from the other sofa. Scott had shifted and was now sitting there halfway between human and werewolf. The same way Isaac had been earlier. Roxie gasped and moved closer to the back of the seat. I put my hand on her knee but she just stared at it. At least she wasn't staring at Scott anymore. He probably felt twice as uncomfortable as me and that's saying something. Scotts mom didn't look like she was enjoying the situation either.

"pretty surprising, huh? I felt the same way when I found out. Stiles is human though, if it helps." Scotts mom was obviously trying to be reassuring and did much better than I had.

"then why are you telling me? What does this have to do with me?" I could feel Roxie shaking but at least she was starting to believe it and she hadn't ran off yet. So in my opinion this is all going much better than planned.

"earlier at the dance, Derek was there. We think, well he thinks, Peter, Derek's uncle, killed Damien." her eyes began to tear up and she shook her head in disbelief.

"no. My dad was crazy. A werewolf never killed my brother. It was him." she began to cry a lot and I felt terrible. This was my idea. I was the one that wanted to tell her and now she's all upset. I put my arm around her and she leaned on my shoulder. When I looked back at Scott he had changed back to normal again. I could have really used some help with all of this but no one seemed to want to help me.

"Roxie. Werewolves are real and there's a good chance your dads not crazy, he's innocent and I know you don't really believe that he done it."

"stiles we hadn't mentioned that Peter was a werewolf." Roxie lifted up her head and wiped away her tears that had started to pour out.

"the letter. Taylor has it. He always teased me about how I thought my dad was innocent. Said it was a wolf one minute and a person the next that killed Damien, or at least that's what he said was in my dads letter. I thought he was lying or at least hoped." I think my eyes might have been slightly watery. Roxie's voice wavered and she still shook in my arms.

"I've made up the guest room if your wanting to sleep in there, if not Scott can help make a bed on the sofas. Get some sleep Roxie. You need some." Scotts mom walked over and hugged Roxie. She left and went up stairs leaving me, Scott and Roxie in the room together. I gave Roxie a slight squeeze before taking her hand and standing up. I led her up to the guest room closely followed by Scott. Roxie left to go to the bathroom and change into pajamas. It had been a long night and I was tired. I lay on the bed waiting for her but not falling asleep. Mrs McCall might have said to get some sleep but it didn't seem too likely. Roxie came back in with a pair of shorts on and a vest top. I held up one of my hands to wave to her.

"hey." I said sleepily. I was still tired but she didn't look too tired.

"so who else is a werewolf." she said as she walked over to the bed and lay down next to me.

"well there's Scott, Peter, Derek, Isaac and Jackson."

"so isaacs costume wasn't a costume at all? Okay. It's your turn. Ask me anything." god something like that the possible questions are endless. I just don't know what to ask. If I'd had warning you know I'd have a ton of things to ask.

"how many boyfriends have you had?" I think I might have wasted my question.

"not including you, one. Nothing ever happened between us though and I've only kissed one other guy." she stopped looking at me for a second and started to think. I could see the gears turning. She was trying to think of something else to say. She looked up again and stared straight into my eyes.

"earlier tonight at the dance, when me and isaac went out side, he kissed me. It was completely one sided and I promise you I don't have feelings for him. I'm really sorry stiles." I couldn't say I wasn't shocked. When you find out another guy kissed your girlfriend it's kind of a heart breaker. I believed everything Roxie said. It would have been one sided and I know Roxie's my girlfriend so she wouldn't have feelings for Isaac. Probably like him even less now after his little stunt tonight. She sat there waiting for me to answer her even though there was no question.

"it's okay. I believe you the same as you now believe me although you did need that little bit more persuasion." she laughed and I smiled at her. We both hugged before getting ready to fall asleep. Thank God. I was so tired now.


"yeah?" my eyes were closed but I could tell Roxie was looking right at me so I opened them.

"I love you." she said the L word. She actually just said it. The whole 3 words. I. Love. You. She said them. Oh my god she just said them. Crap, I'm mentally freaking out and she's just lying waiting.

"I love you too Roxie."


Hey so yeah it was a short chapter but I needed to get Roxie in on the werewolf stuff. I'm going to cause some serious shizz a little later on. Comment, vote anything it's much appreciated. I'm thinking about adding another character. Names? I was thinking maybe Asher. Well thanks for reading and I'll update soon.:)

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