Chapter 27

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We were in Dereks apartment, Scott, Derek, Peter and I, and honestly; it looked hopeless. I always had a plan, or at least a back up plan. Right now I had nothing. I don't have a plan, I didn't have an idea, I didn't have a clue and I didn't have Roxie. I couldn't let her die when I could have stopped it. Derek had just hung up on my phone and smashed it off the wall and/or telling us that 'his packs somewhere traditional'. He's being really vivid these days. Unless traditional meant santas grotto nothing sprung to mind.

"well?" Derek demanded. I looked up from the table if Ben staring holes into. He was looking at me.

"well what? you've gave me like 30 seconds."

"stop complaining or stop breathing." he gritted out. You know he could be working this out too.

"or you could just tell us where the girls are and maybe we'd have time to go get the pack too."

"my pack comes first." he roared. His eyes glowed red. Don't call me a coward, I'm not afraid of Derek hale, but I know when I should step off, especially when mr confrontational has claws, and sharp teeth, and anger issues.

"the end... what end? The worlds end, someones end..." Peter said. He was obviously thinking out loud and probably wasn't expecting an answer but Scott gave him one anyway.

"Kyle was pretty set on talking to derek."

"Dereks end." Peter confirmed. Id already figured as much out although I wouldn't be surprised if the en was directed at all of us. Maybe they'd just crash our cars when we were driving to it. It would save time but I guess wolves hunt for their food and admirable that's what we were. We were the hunt.

"so it is a trap." our big bad alpha grumbled.

"I was guessing they weren't throwing you a party."

"so Dereks going to die." I said. Probably shouldn't have done that. Instead of real words like most people would be using by the time they're, what, 23? 24? Come to think of it, how old is Derek? Sidetracked, Derek growled at me. Very mature. "Might! Might die." I quickly added. Just as a was of keeping my insides in.

"what kind of tradition?" I muttered. You get Christmas tradition- the turkey and all that. My dad used to take me to get the tree. I remember. My mom and him argued about where to put it every year and when my dad had to go to work shed put it where she wanted. Mom would let me put the star on top and hang all the stuff on it. Mom would buy gingerbread at the store and heat it, pretend to have made it. Every year my dad would get home and take one look at that tree and he'd smile. I think he knew the gingerbread was store bought but he never said to her. Every year it happened the same. It was our own little family tradition.

"family tradition." I came out of my trance. The three of them were looking at me like I'd just told them twilight was real. "Think about it, Peter where did you die?"

"Thanks it's been far to long since the last time we brought that up." he sarcastically replied staring daggers at me. No difference there and very much like his nephew doing the same look.

"the house." scott said as he tuned into the same wavelength as me, finally. Stiles is back! Kind of I mean it's not a plan, but it's an idea and I'd take solar powered flashlight as groundbreaking right about now considering how desperate we all are. "most of your family died in the fire." he said to the two werewolves with slowly fading scowls.

"like a cruel twisted sort of tradition." I further explained.

"theyre in the old storage builing on the ither side of town." derk finally told us where to find my girlfriend, and other friends "come on, if it's my 'end' more alphas will be at the house."

Scott was calculating this more than derek as you could see by his face. There was 4 alphas? If they're after Derek the majority would be at the house. Which meant most likely 3-1. 4 of us. Same ratio. "who can handle an alpha on their own?"

"I can." a new voice said. We had been so caught up I hadn't heard to door open for Taylor to cone in but he wasn't standing there. He had a gun visible in a holster on his belt. His face was a little dirty and he looked like he was on a mission. He must have called Roxie and not got an answer. "look, from what I hear my sisters in danger and I'm not letting that slide, not this time."

"what can you do." Peter asked. I guess taylor did look a little you to be carrying around firearms like Ethan hunt but after Allison turned into a blackwidow-hawkeye mutation its lost the element of surprise.

"I can kill the assholes."

"are you sure?" I asked. Personally I've not handled many loaded weapons and im not 100% confident in my shooting ability when a game controller isnt involved.

"this is my sister stiles. If I get one shot you can bet your ass I'm taking it."

"why don't you tell your parents?" scott asked.

"after Peter so graciously knocked me out I haven't seen them." I turned to look at him remembering the hake house stake out mentioned this morning. Doesnt that mean Pete was at the house?

"what? I was visiting the old place for 5 minutes and they were there after 1 obviously I'm going to knock them out." thank god that man- wolf didnt peruse a career in law.

"the alphas must have gotten there after you left." I muttered. To myself. Not Peter. He didn't need to reply. At all.

"no, they arrived whilst I was there to sing christmas carols." and there goes the sarcasm oozing out of his big mouth, and people think I'm bad?

"we don't have time for this. Take stiles." Scott told Taylor and we both nodded. "The three of us will need to go for the pack." Derek and Peter nodded.

"Scott, be careful okay man?"

"you too. Get the girls."

I wasn't going to fail tonight. Roxie, alison and Lydia were depending on us and if it came down to it id shoot the mutt in the head if he so much as touched my girlfriend again.

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