Chapter 39

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It was freezing. I had been there forever and my fingers were numb. I should have taken Alison’s advice and brought a pair of gloves or a hat or a small fire.

Coach barked orders as coach does. He yelled at Jackson to pick up the pace and shouted at Danny to move faster and don’t even get me started on Greenberg. How is that kid still showing up for school? Actually, how the hell does he keep making the team when the coach hated him? There are something’s we will never know.

Stiles was doing a fine job of keeping the bench warm. If only he could sit with me and keep me warm. Taylor was running and looked pretty done in. He was exhausted. It took him a few days to get over the Mom ordeal even after we had been told what the polices bottom line was. It turns out that Peter was damn great when it comes to hiding incriminating evidence. They found evidence leading them to believe that my dad was the one responsible. Of course they were looking for him now but Peter, being the scorned, homicidal werewolf he is, decided to burn what was left of dear old dad and get rid of what remained. I never questioned it when he finally confessed the truth during one of our training session. I don’t plan on bringing it up ever again either. Peter does what he can for me when he can but he doesn’t act like a father. I have the bruises to prove it. Hess thrown me through one too many walls in this week alone. At least now Stiles knows I’m training and not sneaking off to canoodle with Isaac.

There was only a few minutes left when the coach called on Taylor to get off the field. I cheered to Taylor who gave me a wink as he made his way to the bench. He had a few words with the coach and got a pat on the back.

“Looks like your boyfriends getting on the field after all.” Lydia smirked as I reached a stage that I could be mistaken for the Cheshire cat. I was overjoyed. Stiles jogged onto the field and I jumped up bursting into cheers and screams and I think I did a chorus from High School Musical. Lydia and Alison joined in with my contagious attitude, as did a few others in the stands.

To tell you the truth I don’t really understand the rules of lacrosse. I understand the ball in the net part and that one goal is ours and the other isn’t but it’s one of those sports that I never really understood. All I know is that lacrosse is important to Stiles and as he is important to me then I will attend him lacrosse games with make up on either cheek with ‘24’ in red. I noticed that we were running out of time and if we didn’t score soon then we were looking at a tie. Scott was ready to act, being the captain, or co-captain or whatever.

There was a lot of passing, a lot more yelling and a whole lot more running when the ball ended up on the end of Stiles’ stick. He started running and I cheered for him.

In the end, Stiles wasn’t the one to score the winning point. Two big guys got in his way but Scott was open and with a quick pass Scott had the ball and it went hurdling into the net. IT was an assist but Stiles was ecstatic nonetheless. As was coach Finstock, which was always better for everyone.

The entire student body along with parents and whoever else decided to show up to the game poured onto the field. It took a lot of shoving and the skill set of James Bond but I finally managed to find my boyfriend. His back was to me as his eyes scanned the crowed looking for yours truly. I jumped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and holding on tight to his chest.

“If this is what I get for an assist I wonder what you would give me if I ever scored in front of you.” I realized that although our position got me real closed to Stiles which was something I had always loved, there was some guy that was very inconsiderate behind me who kept elbowing me in the butt, which I hoped was an accident. I dropped my feet back onto the floor followed by the rest of me landing only to scurry in front of Stiles.

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