Chapter 37

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Stiles and I were laughing and holding hands and nudging one another and doing everything that used to make me want to slap couples in the past. Now I loved it. Watching couples and being in one are very different things. When you see it you don't feel it, but since I started dating Stiles I've gotten this warm feeling especially since I finally understand how it feels to be accepted by someone to the extent Stiles loves me. Enough to know everything I've done and love me for it.

We made our way up to Stiles' house and before we made it through the door we heard our names called and turned around. Sheriff Stilinski ran up to us.

It took a lot of work but somehow we magically managed to make him understand that werewolves weren't plotting his death and we were sorry for keeping secrets and basically putting our lives on the line several times over. He wasn't happy but at least he was accepting- as accepting as a guy can be when he finds out the supernatural has become second nature to his son and his friends. We decided that it would be best to give him time to adjust but the others were warned that the Sheriff now knew about Werewolves and everything else living in beacon hills and Stiles' dad went to work which we had hoped would get him mind off things.

"Roxie." He sighed.

"Is Taylor okay?" I asked straight away. I hadn't spoken to him for a few days and I wouldn't have been surprised had he gotten himself into trouble.

"Actually, Taylor called the station this morning." Oh god. He got himself in trouble. He’s hurt. I was panicking as my brain went into overdrive, coming up with a million possibilities of what the hell he did. "We don't have all the facts yet but there was a lot of blood. When was the last time you saw your mother?"

"Um... a day or two. Taylor's okay right?" I stuttered. Stiles held onto my waist and I grabbed onto his hand squeezing.

"He’s shook up. Taylor said he would stop by if he can. He’s staying with a friend. Given what we've seen this is more than a missing persons. It’s a murder investigation." Despite knowing I wasn't the one who did anything to my 'parents' it didn't make it any easier. My heart still beat fast and my palms were still sweating. If it weren't for Stiles holding me I'm sure I would have gone all the way and found out exactly what the alpha in me was capable of.

"You can spend the night here."

I nodded. "I would like that."

Stiles dad gave me a sympathetic look. "There's a few guys from the station in your house but they swept the top floor. You're free to go home and grab some clothes but afterwards you have to leave." We both nodded "I'm doing the best I can."

"We know. Thank you Sheriff Stilinski."

"Take care of her Stiles." He warned. Stiles answered by pressing his lips to my forehead and keeping them there for several seconds. It stopped me from feeling so alone. Stiles loved me. I may never feel alone... not when I have Stiles.


I did something bad. Something really bad. So stiles took me to my place and I got my clothes but before we left Stiles had to use the bathroom and whilst he was in there I kind of sneaked out. I know it’s wrong but I couldn't help it. I have this disease- its called curiosity. That is the exact explanation of why I am where I am.

"What can I do for you?" He asked as he opened the door for me. I stepped in before anyone had the opportunity to notice me, not that many people ever passed through the area.

"Where are they?"

"They're in a better place," Peter said without missing a beat. I expected it but I was hoping for a little more than simply hearing that he was dead. I gave him a stern warning to which he sighed. "Better you not know." I nodded. I couldn't make him tell me anything. Despite the colour of my eyes changing to the colour of blood I wasn't as strong as Peter was and he would definitely beat me in a fight as he already had. I wasn't experienced enough; I wasn't strong enough.

"How is this going to work? You being my dad that is."

"You tell your brother and we go from there."

"Why do I need to tell him?"

"I don't know what to do. I'm not a father."

"Yeah you are. It’s not really a job you start with experience, so why don't you grow a pair and get over yourself? You're getting a second chance. Don't blow it." I warned. He kept his same hard expression. When he didn't say anything I gave up. If Peter didn't tell Taylor in a few days’ time then I would tell him but this was something I had to give Peter time to do for himself. I shouldn't need to do my father’s dirty work for him.

I walked to Stiles' house. His jeep was outside so I knew he was home. He opened the door and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I needed to be alone, take a walk. Stiles just led me into the house, locked the door behind us and took me into his room where we watched a movie. I don't know the name or what it was even about, I can’t remember so much as an actors or characters last first name. I spent the whole two hours with my eyes firmly on our hands. How the hell was this still happening? How the hell was I still lying to the best thing to ever happen to me? How the hell could I withstand the pain every time I tell him one thing when I've done another?

I don't know. I just don't know any more.

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