chapter 28

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i took in a shaky breath. Its strange, i could feel the time passing- everyone does, that wasn't the strange part- but i could feel something different. i just felt like i could do more all of a sudden. Ironically i was still chained to a chair. Id wasted what felt like forever trying to come up with a getaway but oddly enough none seemed to spring to mind- not any good plans anyway. 

Kyle was up stairs. i could hear his footsteps as he was pacing. Big guy wasn't so powerful after all. Kyle was nervous. The only reason i knew was because of how fast each step was and they didn't seem to cover a large amount of ground. I wouldn't go as far as to say scared but definitely nervous. 

Vince was ignoring me. He had been for quite a while. He kept his back to me as he fidgeted with different metal things that was on the work table at the side. I didn't say anything to get his attention. i didn't want to be heard by Kyle. There's no knowing what that boy would do given reason. I already know what hes going to do without reason. Goodbye humanity, hello Lycanthropy. 

Lydia and Alison just sat there. Alison was strong, she comes from hunters, that seems to be how they are. Lydia was normal- mostly. she wasn't taking the events as well. she kept crying and crying but all i could hear was the sudden sharp intakes of breath every so often. 

despite how i was playing it off i was terrified. I knew there was a high chance of it being my last night. I never fought the last time i saw stiles or the last time i hugged Taylor would truly be the last. i wasn't ready for that. how could anyone prepare for that? My hands would barely stop shaking and the worst part was i didn't know why. i couldn't tell if i was angry at Kyle and the alphas for what they were about to do or if it was fear that made my hands go like that. It could even have been the adrenaline that i felt pumping through me for whatever unnatural reason it was. I couldn't tell anymore.

At that point- the point when if lost almost all of my faith- I heard those footsteps coming towards me, down the stairs and into the cellar,

"Vince." Kyle hissed. When i turned my head to look at Vince i saw he was no longer at the table but standing next to Lydia and Alison. There was a split second when i thought something caught the light and flashed my eyes but i told myself it was my mind playing a cruel trick on itself. "Go to the house, help the others." and as my ex boyfriend nodded his head and marched to the door like a toy soldier a felt a piece of me die inside. "Who's first." Kyle asked smiling at Lydia and Alison. "Don't all shout out at once. Roxie, why don't you pick? will it be katniss with a crossbow or pre-drugs Lindsey lohan?"

I wasn't going to answer. I knew it was going to end badly no matter what i said. I heard Lydia gasp and Alison wouldn't even look up but i wasn't about to throw one of them to the dogs or wolves as it was. My fault, my problem, mine to deal with "me."

"I think you misunderstand here sweetheart. I gave you two options. It doesn't matter what you say, they're both going to die, all you're doing is choosing the running order. but you weren't on the list that I'm crossing off at the moment." 

"Don't you want to turn me into one of you?"

"Oh I do, I really do."

"Then do it now."

"That wasn't the plan..."

"Aren't you in charge here?"

"I like this you." He grinned at me slowly walking towards me. He looked like he was stalking his prey which was true on all accounts. He stopped directly in front of me bending forward slightly and if it was possible his Cheshire cat smile grew even bigger. I wanted to throw up so i went for my next best. I kneed him where it hurt. I know it was literally below the belt but its not my fault he only chained my arms. Kyle roared in pain which had my life not been in danger i would have smiled knowing that id actually landed a blow to the psychopath. But i was and all it was for was to buy time. It wasn't much time, i knew that, I was just trying to stop him from killing Alison or Lydia and if that meant there was a chance of me getting bitten and turning into a freaking werewolf then i guess that would be the price i would have to pay. 

I could see his teeth or fangs or what ever the hell they're called and his eyes morphed to red. I knew i would have gotten bitten  or mauled or sent to deaths door had it not been for a noise from upstairs. Footsteps and whisper. That's when Kyle disappeared behind me. I automatically assumed the worst. I began screaming at him "Get away from them!" For all i knew he was about to kill both of them but i couldn't look and i didn't hear anything. My breath hitched in my throat when i saw the door open. My heart stopped beating for a minute when i saw them. Taylor ans stiles, both with guns and both there to help me. I now know why Kyle hid. He didn't think anyone was coming so no one knowing where he was would be his advantage. 

"Everyone okay?" Stiles asked as he started to walk down the stairs.

"Oh they're fine, for now." Kyle laughed. I couldnt pin point where it had been coming from.

"Ignore him, Get Roxie." Taylor instructed Stiles. I never thought id see Stiles with a gun and it worried me. I don't mean this in a bad way but i didn't view him as a fighter. Sure i wanted to get the hell out of here but i thought it would have been my parents, someone that knew what they were doing. If stiles got hurt i would never forgive myself. I'm the one that screwed everything up, this is all my fault. Stiles locked onto me and i could see that he knew exactly what he had to do and that he was determined to do it. He had barely took one step towards me when kyle strted again. He tried to put him off of what he was doing and for a second i thought it could work for him. I knew id screwed up big time in the past but hearing it said only reminded me of how much of a wreck i was. 

"She doesnt love you stiles. She screwed me to prove a point, You fell head first for a slut."

"Stiles dont listen to him." I tried to tell him But even i knew he was right in some cases. I screwed up everything. I gave stiles reasons to doubt me from the start and now im doubting myself. I didnt care what happened after this. I wanted all of us just to get out alive. 

Looking away from stiles- I couldnt bare to see the torn look in his eyes- I caught a small glimpse of something or someone in the shadows. I tried to scream for stiles to turn around but before the noise that escaped me could change into words Kyle lunged at Stiles. I throught i was going to die as  screamed and cried with tears starting to run down my face and watched hopelessly unable to stop kyle. I couldnt watch so i squeezed my eyes shut tight looking away. Then i heard the gun shots. Two of them and a roar and screaming. More screaming than my own. Someone was hurt at the very least and if it wasnt me, then who the hell was it? Did i even want to look?

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