Chapter 34

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I dropped the duffle off at Alison's. Her father answered the door and he asked a lot of questions about why I had the guns and what I was doing giving them to him. I just told him that he was right all along and we had no clue what we were doing. I said to him that I hoped Alison was okay after everything that happened but apparently she was spending the day with Lydia, which is funny considering when I took a breather from cycling and took a look at my Facebook news feed I saw Lydia's status that she would be spending the day with her one and only, Jackson. So it was clearly a lie that Alison was not where she said she was - I'm guessing she was with Scott. After everything that happened I'm sure it brought them together.

I had this idea - a bad idea but I was going through with it. I was in among the trees where I was sure no one would stumble across me by accident. Walking out there I was terrified. I knew I could not deal with it any longer. I would always be afraid. I wasn't like Derek or Peter, I didn't grow up in this life. I wasn't like Scott or Alison or even Stiles. They at least had some time to get used to what was going on in this town but I was new to this. I couldn't handle fear. I hated feeling afraid, and maybe I should have waited until I had more than one self-defence lesson or at least succeeded at doing so.

Like i said - bad idea.

I found a sharp rock lying around and decided that would have to do. I cut across my palm. I had to do it a few times in the same spot because it healed every five minutes. My plan was a long shot but i stayed standing and turning regularly to that I knew if anyone were to arrive.

"What the hell are you doing?" He sounded completely unamused although the smirk on his face would say otherwise. "It might work if you're looking for vampires, a banshee maybe but me? Rox, I thought you were smarter than that." He scolded. I glared at him but kept myself on high alert. After everything, I can safely say I will never be trusting Kyle again. I do not care how messed up his past is- he is a psychopath. "I heard the news. Werewolf, impressive." I could hear the anger lacing his tone. He hated that he wasn't able to turn me himself. He was clearly looking forward to it. I don't know what he thought it was going to change. I would have hated him with or without turning into a monster every full moon. Although, I suppose I was about to turn in to a monster sooner than expected - if you don't already count my leaving those two people in my house to the mercy of Peter.

 "Let me guess," Kyle continued, "there's only one way this can end, right?"

"I will not be terrorized by you." I said as strongly as I could and to my surprise it worked. I managed to pour as much threat as possible into my voice, and I saw a shocked look cross his face for a few seconds but he was quick to cover it with his scowl although I could still see an out of place impressed glint in his eyes. His claws quickly extended in a flick of his hand. He held his hand up, looking at his weapon in a way I didn’t find comforting for the outcome of the fight. He gave me an evil smirk. Thankfully I had closely examined how he could get his claws on demand and flicking my hand as the frustration and anger left in me flowed through my body along with the pumping adrenaline I managed to grow my claws. I was in control now. I could get my ability under control enough to use it and now it was working. This was exactly what I needed.

Kyle charged at me first but I was quick to react. As his claw swung above my head I was able to duck under his arm. I didn’t have time to swing at him myself. I wobbled as I spun but I managed to keep to standing. Kyle was fast as he shot back to face me taking his second attempt as quickly as the first. He aimed lower at this time I did have to drop to my knees to avoid getting hit. It was like a deadly game of limbo going on and I don’t think there was much chances of me going any lower than I was. Luckily for me I caught his ankle. It definitely wasn’t much - maybe just a small scratch that would hear after a few seconds anyway.

Before I got the opportunity to get back on my feet in was being slammed back to the dirt. "How exactly did you think this little plan of yours was going to go? “Kyle crushed me to the ground; his breathing heavy and I could hear his hear beat. It would have been better if I was capable of fighting him off for longer. I shook but I couldn’t figure out why; if it was fear, nerves, maybe even adrenaline. 

"Like this." I hissed finally getting to the next stage of the plan. I stabbed my claws into his arm and before he was given the opportunity to pull his arm away I reached my hand into my back pocket and took a handful of the powder that was in my pocket and pushed that into his wound. You wouldn’t believe the number of bullets I broke open or the amount of perfume that I had to beg Allison’s father to let use just so I could cover up the smell of wolf’s bane.

Kyle screamed in pain. I knew it would take some time before the werewolf poison was at the point where it would kill him but I could see it instantly draining him and that was all I needed. He didn’t have the power to kill me and there was no one left to save him. He would die and I would be the one to have killed him.

It was almost over.

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