Chapter 9

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I nearly jumped right out of my skin. Roxie, well let's just say she might need a fresh set of clothes.

"Taylor, what are you doing here? I thought you were with Scott."

"I was. I forgot my phone. What are you two doing in my room?" now that is a good question.

What sane reason do we have for being in his room...

Nope, can't think of anything. Well this should be fun.

"you caught us. I didn't know what to get you for our birthday so I thought I'd look and see if I could get any inspiration." I didn't know her birthday was coming up but nice save. For a second I thought we were goners.

"well let's go stiles." she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. I looked back to see if shed returned the bag and it was gone. I never heard the paper rustling or anything but when I think about it I never really heard anything other than my heart beating out of my chest. Roxie managed to pull it together fast. We both went into her room and she quickly slammed and locked her door.

"well? Did you get it?

A grin began to spread right across Roxie's face and she laughed slightly. Her hand went into her pocket and took out some paper that she started fanning herself with.

"maybe." I couldn't help but hug her. I didn't know she could be so sneaky. Probably something to keep in mind for the future but I didn't care, I was in far too good of a mood now.

"can I come in? I feel slightly uncomfortable with you two in there and the door locked while i I talk from the other end." Scott said from the other side of the door. I let go of Roxie and she went and unlocked the door. Scott was standing there anxiously waiting for us to tell him how it went. Roxie grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the room so she could lock the door. She held up the paper and Scott went to reach for it. He almost had it when it was pulled away.

"Roxie, let me see it."

"Scott, I've waited for years to get a hold of this. I've finally got it. I'm reading it." she quickly unfolded the paper paying little attention to Scott and his pissed off look. I could see her eyes scanning the paper. They quickly filled up with tears and she almost dropped the letter. I took it out of her hand and began to read with Scott staring at it over my shoulder.

'taylor I know you've managed to get a hold of this letter. I also know you won't be writing back anytime soon. There's a lot I need to tell you and only so much I can fit on the paper. For starters, that night. I didn't do it. It will sound crazy, I know it will, but it was a wolf. A werewolf. The story's a long one but it's time you know what's really been going on. We hunt them. This one caught me off guard.

Your sister can't know about any of this. I don't want her in amongst it all. Keep her away from this and the life. Tell her I love her. Tell her I miss her. Tell her I'm sorry.'

there was more but I stopped reading and gave it to Scott. Instead I went to Roxie who was now sitting on her bed with tears rolling down her face. I sat next to her and pulled her into me with my arm over her shoulders. I'm not good in that type of situation. Its not exactly a good time to add in a sarcastic comment or anything.

"did you read it all?" I asked sounding as sympathetic as possible. Roxie shook her head as she wiped away one if her tears.

"what bit did you get to?"

"the part where he said he's sorry." she spoke quietly between sobs. I held out my hand to Scott and he gave me the letter.

"Taylor, as for you, I need you to firstly show this to your mom and secondly go to the garage. Look through my tools. When you turn 16 they're all yours. Until then leave everything to your mother." that part obviously hadn't upset her as much. I think this last part was about the hunting and the weapons we found.

I wasn't actually sure if her tears were happy or sad tears. Happy to know he loved her but sad for another reason. Not because of the hunters stuff. They didn't sound like a message. They sounded like a goodbye. A permanent goodbye.

There was a moment of silence but it was broken by a knock at the door.

"Roxie? Are you crying?" Taylor asked from the other side of the door. I hope he never heard any of the letter.

"yeah. Were watching 10 things I hate about you. You know the ending gets me every time."

"and you didn't invite me? Open up I wanna watch."

"firstly Taylor become a guy. And no it's done."

"your telling me to become a guy? You just watched the end with two guys and most of it with one of them." I'd never actually seen the movie. Is it sad that I wanted to watch it now?

"stiles doesn't have a choice that's just how it works."

"wow 4 days and he's already your bitch." taylor laughed and I heard his footsteps walking away from the door. I felt slightly offended but I smiled anyway. Scotts phone went off with his message tone.

"stiles, we gotta go." Scott turned his phone towards me to show me the message.

'Scott I need alpha info fast. Hurry.' from Derek.

"can Roxie come?"

"i guess."

Roxie smiled at me."let's go"

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