Chapter 15

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"oh my god. Roxie what happened to your head. Was it the bike? You've really got to learn to drive." I just laughed when Lydia opened the door.

"can we just forget about that and do something else."

"sure come on in." her house was god damn amazing. It was so nice. Really fancy. She must have been crazy rich to afford all this stuff. I don't even know what half of the stuff was but it looked pricey.

I followed Lydia up to her room and Alison was lying on the bed with a selection of DVDs.

"hey, what happened to your-"

"don't ask." I replied walking over to the bed. Well the DVDs werent exactly mission impossible. Dear john, letters to Juliet, two weeks notice, how to lose a guy in 10 days and picture perfect. None of them were really my kind of movie. Lydia walked over and picked one up.

"this is a good one." she said holding how to lose a guy in 10 days up. I took a seat on the side of her bed and she went and put on the movie.

"I ran into stiles earlier. He looked pretty distressed to be honest with you. Did something happen?" Alison said looking concerned. She must have been thinking about how to say it in a way that wouldn't upset me.

"yeah. We broke up. We had a fight and I slapped him and told him to go away."

Both of their eyes grew bigger. Does everyone think I'm a wimp??? Maybe if i was id still have a boyfriend.

"what did he do? Are you okay? Tell us everything." Lydia pushed. Why doesn't this girl have her own talk show? The amount of gossip she's gets would put everyone else, including oprah, to shame. Plus, they could totally afford it.

"I was with Isaac and stiles was waiting outside for me. I told him I'd be five minutes but I fell and hit my head. I got knocked out and when i came round stiles walked in and saw me and Isaac hugging, he got jealous and accused me of cheating."

"was that how you needed the bandage?" Lydia asked. I should have known that this would boomerang back to my head somehow.

"no. Taylor pushed me because he wanted to go beat stiles up and I wouldn't let him. The cut was an accident and anyway it was probably my fault anyway."

"did he actually beat stiles up?" Alison asked. The thought had slipped my mind.

"I don't know. Taylor wasn't home when I got back from the hospital."

"call stiles. Now." oh crud. Alison. Do I have to? Did she not hear what I said about the break up? I slapped him. I'm sure he really wants to talk to me especially after I told him I didn't want to talk to him and my brother quite possibly tried to kill him. With all those weapons in his room he might just have succeeded.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want stiles dead but I still don't want to talk to him. Maybe I am childish but I'm also stubborn. I've spoke to him once already and I don't want to talk to him this time.

"I really don't want to Alison." I said trying to focus on the movie and get away from the stiles conversation but they were having none of it.

"here. It's ringing. Put it on loud speaker." Lydia said smiling and handing her phone to Alison. She smiled at me as I tried harder and harder to concentrate.

"hey, what's up?" stiles asked answering his phone. Well, he's alive. Relief washed over me for a brief second but I returned to normal quickly. I just couldn't handle the call. I had to get out of the room. I stood slowly trying to look as casual as I could. Opening the door I could tell Alison and Lydia were watching me. I walked out the door and sat on the stairs. There was the slight noise of the phone call from the other room because I didn't close the door properly but I knew if I got up and closed it they'd tell how much it annoyed me, that's if they hadn't already figured it out.

It's normal to not want to talk to ex boyfriends for a while, isn't it? I can't just put on a brave face and act like nothing ever happened. I'm a teenage girl for Christ sake. I have emotions like everyone else and although I try not to show them a lot, I still can't help it at times.

I had completely checked out of what I could hear but stopped thinking when Alison came to join me.

"he really wants to talk you."

"what so he can accuse me of something else? No thank you." my 'front' had come back up. My forcefield had been deployed and was there to protect me from my own emotions and feelings. The sad part is, I didn't want to bring it back down. I wasn't going to let myself get hurt again. I'd had enough of it for today and preferably for good.

"Your being kind of hard on him don't you think?"

"whatever. I'm tired." I said getting up.

Stiles was not my preferred subject at the moment. Sleep on the other hand. That was definitely something I wanted.

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