Chapter 35

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I rang the doorbell again. Impatiently, I pressed it a few too many times. I could hear footsteps but I kept going so he would hurry the hell up.

"Roxie?" Stiles asked. I was about to wrap my arms around him but stopped when I thought it might be a bad idea.

"Can I come in?"

"What’s wrong?" He asked as I passed through the door. He closed it behind me and I stayed facing him. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Without saying anything I took my hand from behind me and held them up to him. He didn't flinch or run like I thought he would. He came towards me slowly. I could still feel my body shaking. The adrenaline I once had was gone but my claws wouldn't go away. He carefully placed his hand on my back and led me into the living room. He sat first and I watched. I had to tell him what I did, sooner or later but I was too afraid. If I told him he wouldn't want to be around me. I was a murderer.

Stiles patted the spot next to him and I sat down. He rested my hand in his and looked at it for a few seconds. "You need to calm down." Calm? There is no more calm! I took a shaky breath as I tried to control my feelings but it wasn't happening. I let out a frustrated growl. I couldn't take it - I couldn't handle being stuck like this. If that's how it was going to be I would have been better just to let Kyle win. Before I had a chance to flip my lid Stiles grabbed my face between his hands. His touch was gentle as he turned my face to look into his eyes. Before I had a chance to take everything in stiles had his lips on mine. He was gentle with me and I reacted instantly. My eyes fluttered to a close, I knew his were shut too. I loved the familiarity of stiles kissing me. It made me happier. I felt my heart rate calm down as I melted into the kiss. Stiles would always have a way of making me feel safe. He didn't need to kiss me but in the circumstances I was under I felt safer in that moment than I had lately.

I heard a gasp and pulled away from stiles. Sheriff Stilinski was standing there in his police uniform. I looked down and saw my claws gone.

"Dad? When did you come in here?" Stiles asked.

"What the hell did I just see?" Sheriff Stilinski asked without directly answering Stiles' question but we knew he had seen me with claws. There was no denying it now. That was just one more problem we had to add the pile.

Stiles muttered a few times and stuttered over a few words, clearly he didn't know how he was going to explain this. We only got me to believe it because Scott was a werewolf and I stopped by his house first but I couldn't even hear his heartbeat so I gave up on that pretty quick and stiles, not to sound rude or ungrateful, was my next go to. I wasn't allowed to go to Deaton and that was where Derek was, I think Lydia was with Jackson but I didn't plan on asking them for help with this. Lydia always seemed so perfect and Jackson always seemed to expect perfect. I guess I liked being friends with them too much to want them to think that I'm so incompetent. Maybe not locking the door was a bad idea.

"Dad, Roxie isn't...."

"I'm a goddamn werewolf okay? I'm not the only one and I'm stressed out of my mind - I'm sorry you didn't know but come on! You had to know this town wasn't normal? From what I hear a lot of stuffs went down that you people couldn't explain. Either you seriously suck at law enforcement or something else is happening here, and are you really surprised that it’s the latter."

"Roxie, calm down." Stiles warmed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. I muttered an apology to both of them. Stiles' father muttered a few words before looking at us. He wasn't looking at us the same and I wasn't surprised.

"I can explain later."

"How about now, Stiles." His father demanded. I didn’t know what to say. I had already came out and said it which obviously hadn’t helped the situation.

"Right now I have to look after my girlfriend and to be honest I don’t think you’re ready to listen yet." Stiles took my hand and I muttered another apology to Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles took me up the stairs and we didn’t speak until we were in his room and sitting on his bed. Stiles held onto my hand even after we were sitting down. "Are you going to tell me why there’s blood on your fingertips." I didn’t answer but I flinched at his question. "Is it yours?"

I shook my head. "Kyle. I got some wolfs bane and I cut him and put it in the cut and then I ran in the other direction. I left him to die." Stiles squeezed my hand tighter. "I didn’t tell you because you would have told me that it was dangerous and I could get hurt and if I did it then you would want to go to and I didn’t want you to be put in danger. It was a stupid plan."

"It was stupid," He grumbled, "And dangerous." I bowed my head. I swear I could hear how ashamed he was of me. After everything I still go behind his back and be completely disrespectful of him and our relationship. "But I understand. I forgive you, okay?" I looked at him. "I’m not the one who's disappointed in you. You are." I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. Stiles held on to me like both of our lives depended on it and it honestly felt like they did. I thought I would never be ready to let go of him. "For what it's worth I’m sorry too. I know I can be a little overbearing but the only girl who ever loved me was my mom and I lost her. I just don’t want to lose someone again." I removed my face from the crook of Stiles' and I placed my palm on his cheeks. I saw all the emotion and love he had for me in his eyes. I stroked his cheeks just below his eyes with the pad of my thumbs. I sat up taller and kissed his forehead. When I sat back down his eyes were still shut and I took the opportunity to kiss him.

He reacted in an instant and we got a little carried away if I do say so myself. We were kissing and it felt more passionate than anything we had before. I knew where this was going before as I pulled back.

"Don’t get me wrong, I want to."

"But it’s not what you need." I nodded. Stiles gave my lips one last peck. We both lay down. Me in front and Stiles behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist. I felt him kiss my neck and I snuggled back into him.  I was so comfortable around him.

"I love you, Stiles, but I’m not done." I heard Stiles mutter Isaacs name and he got it a home run on his first swing. "I promise, I won’t leave you." He held me tighter. I knew he didn’t want to doubt my statement but he couldn’t help it. I placed my hands on his to try comfort him like he had comforted me not so long ago. There was tension which I doubted we would lose until we were certain that the both of us were safe. Nevertheless we were able to be comfortable in it because we had grown used to it. I found the exhaustion of my event filled day catching up with me and fell asleep in my boyfriend’s arms soon after. It was one of the best feeling I had experienced in what felt like a forever.

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