Chapter 18

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It's mouth snapped at me trying to take my head off as I lay on my back. I was doing my best to hold it up and away from me but it was too strong. I tried to chuck it off me but I couldn't. Then it tried to bite me again. It didn't manage a proper bite. It was cuts instead. They were bleeding but hopefully not too heavily or fatally. Passing drivers took absolutely no notice of the girl wrestling a wolf. My cuts stung as I struggled some more. It went to bite my neck but I used some of my last strenth to try throw it off but I didn't manage it and my arms began to weaken. That's when I started preparing for death. The thing was almost at my neck when what seemed to me like an entire branch swiped it away. The animal flew into a tree and lay on the ground afterwards. It made a wincing noise as it connected with the hard bark of the tree.

"cutting it a little close there, don't you think?" I said out of breath. I propped myself up onto my elbows but still lay there. Stiles threw his weapon to the ground and looked down on me.

"get in the jeep and shut up. I'm phoning my dad." stiles ordered.

"what's the sheriff going to do?"

"that was a werewolf. If we can catch the person then well be fine. Hopefully."

"how do you know it's a werewolf?"

"that hit would almost kill it. They wouldn't be gone if it was just a wolf." my head snapped round to look at the spot where a wolf once lay but it was no longer there. It was just a pile of leaves. There was a werewolf that wanted me dead and when you look at the food chain it wins over teenage wimp.

Stiles stepped away and started talking to his dad on his phone. I stood, wondering whether or not I should phone mine but I knew he'd kill me and go crazy. Also, if the sheriff met him wed be in so much trouble. After all he did break out of a mental institution.

"my dad will be here in a minute. He was already out looking for you. Why did you run off anyway?"

"my dad was at my house. I said that I know about werewolves but I didn't mention Scott and the others." I said with a smile that was lost two seconds later because of a painful groan that escaped me.

"are you okay?"

"yeah my dad didn't touch me, I was gone before he got the chance."

"I meant the cuts from the wolf."

"right. Uh yeah I'll be fine." I replied but made the stupid rookie mistake of moving my arm. It hurt. A lot. There wasn't enough time for me to take control of myself before I gasped from the pain I felt.

Just as stiles was about to help his dad pulled up with the siren and the flashing lights. The door swung open and he rushed out.

"Jesus Christ. Have you called an ambulance yet?" he said noticing my arm and my pained expression.

"not yet. I will now." stiles answered and walked away again.

I tried to apply as much pressure to my wounds but it made no difference. It was still sore and still bleeding. Maybe I was still going to die. Sheriff slilinski put his arm over my shoulder and helped me over to the police car. Instead of going in I just sat on the hood. He gave me his jacket and went into the trunk of the car. He came back with a blanket and started tearing it up. He wrapped a bit around my arm where it was scratched.

"thank you." I said looking up from my feet.

"it's my job, you don't have to thank me."

"I've seen people who are passionate about their line if work but youve taken it to a whole new level, sheriff stilinski."

"well, when it was stiles that was in trouble I did everything to get him back. I understand how it is to be the parent and I understand how it is to be the sheriff. It's a strong combination."

The ambulance pulled up only mere seconds after he'd finished talking. My arm was still in pain when one of the doctors reached me. It was kyles dad.

"I hope your not going to make this a regular thing. What happened?"

"a wolf went awol." I didn't know another way to explain it. I couldn't tell him that there was a werewolf.

He removed the cloth from my arm. I refused to look at it. I became unbelievably squeamish. Stiles was standing with his dad a little bit away from me. They were obviously talking about something but they were out of earshot. I wasn't sure if I was the topic of conversation but stiles diverted his eyes to me every couple of seconds.

"it's only a few scratches. They're not deep. I need to get some bandages. I'll be right back." two lucky escapes so far. No stitches needed. Now that takes some serious skill. Stiles walked over towards me looking really serious.

"are you okay?"

"other than the fact that someones got it out for me? Never been better."

"I'll give you a ride home when the doctors done."

"No!" I yelled. I hadn't meant to raise my voice. I did not want to go home. If my dad was still there he'd kill me. If my mom was in shed spend five minutes worrying about my arm and then yell at me for what I said earlier. And Taylor. God only knows what Taylor would do. "I don't want to go back there just yet." stiles smiled down to me. It was a smile that you didn't open your mouth and reveal your teeth for but he looked cute doing it. Wait, no. Ex boyfriend. Ex.

"all right then. I'll be quick then you two kids can be on your way." the doctor began wrapping a bandage tightly around my arm. I winced slightly while he was doing it. He knew exactly what he was doing and was quick about it. He was finished unbelievably fast.

"I can get you some pain killers."

"it's fine if I need anything I'll talk to my mom."

"ah, the nurse. well then I'll be off. Any problems, you know where to find me. You two be careful, mainly you roxanne, I don't want to need to do this a third time in the one week." and with that he was gone. Stiles stood staring at me quietly.

"stop it. I already feel like a big enough freak." I said pushing him with my unbandaged arm

"Roxanne. Can I talk to you for a minute." stiles' dad asked me from next to the tree stiles had slammed the wolf into.

"sure sheriff stilinski." I said smiling and walking over. He looked deadly serious about something. I don't know if it had anything to do with what him and stiles were talking about. Or maybe it was what he was going to say to me.

"what were you doing out here?"

"I honestly don't know. There was a situation at home and I guess I just needed air."

"I see. I'll get in touch incase there's anything else." I nodded and the sheriff walked away. Stiles was still stood next to his dads cop car as it drove off along with the ambulance.

"what now?" he asked as he approached me. I shrugged in reply.

"I'm just going to go a walk. Clear my head, most likely."

"I'll join you then." the point of the walk was to be alone but that didn't even seem like an option. Stiles had invited his self now and I couldn't stop him. People in this town, cant live with them, I'd probably be dead with out them.

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