Chapter 14

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"no time to talk we need a ride to the hospital. Roxie hit her head and shes bleeding." there was a few seconds before Isaac hung up.

"Who were you calling???" I asked as Isaac put a cloth up to my head. it was unbelievably sore. This was the second cloth we'd used and it wasn't making too big of a difference to how much I was bleeding. It probably wasn't even that much and we were just over reacting. If Isaac wants to over react like that then who am I to stop him? I don't have claws.

"I told you someone with a car."

"who though." i started to feel light headed. I really had to get to the hospital. All this thinking wasn't helping matters much either. Things like school already give me headaches but now I need to do extra work.

"Derek. His cars fast and he said he was in the neighborhood and would be here soon." why would Derek be in the neighborhood? I didn't care how fast his car was I didn't want to go with him. I'd rather stiles drive me than him.

A car horn honked from outside of the house. Ill give you one guess who it was. I could tell instantly so if any of you didn't answer Derek, go on eBay and buy yourself a new brain (p&p not included).

"see, fast." Isaac half stated, half teased while helping me up. I didn't really need help to stand but it was a nice gesture. He helped me to get into the back seat of the car and he sat in the front. Derek drove quietly but I could tell he'd adjusted the mirror so he could keep an eye on me.

"how are you holding up back there?" Isaac asked turning in his seat to look at me. I kept the cloth on my head firmly. It was catching all of the blood as we pulled up to the hospital.

"I'll live, most likely."

"don't be so sure. Now that there's no more you and stiles you have nothing to do with us other than you hunt us." Derek snapped

"i don't hunt you and can we talk about this later. That is if i don't bleed to death." Derek huffed and pulled over outside the hospital. No need to make me feel like you actually want me around. Ass hole. Isaac jumped out and helped me get out too. We managed to park near the entrance and went straight to A and E. We rushed round a corner and I slammed into one the nurses. The cloth I was holding flew right out of my hands. It was way too fast for me to catch it but isaacs hand swooped in and gripped onto it. The second or two with out the cloth on allowed who'd I'd walked right into see what state my head was in.

"Roxie? What happened?" melissa McCall was standing there. Scotts mom.

"I fell and hit my head again. Second time today actually."

"she's been bleeding. Think you could help or something?" Isaac asked. She seemed to have known Isaac. Maybe it was because of his lacrosse or maybe his werewolf thing but I wasn't sure. Shed just seen his amazing reflexes.

"keep the cloth on your head and I'll get you a doctor. I'm sorry to hear about you and stiles." she added

"yah. Me too." I whispered under my breath. Isaac took a hold of my hand and squeezed it. He led me over to some seats and we waited for maybe a minute or so.

"miss Roxanne Rodrigues?" my last name. I loved my last name but I couldn't help but mumble roxie after the doctor had said my first name. I stood and Isaac did the same.

"I'll see you when I get back out."

"no way. I'm coming in with you." I looked at the doctor to see what he had to say.

"as long as I can still do what I've got to do then it's fine. Follow me please." the doctor was very nice as he led us to a room down the hall.

"okay let me have a look at you." I moved the cloth away from my head and they stared at it. Isaac looked more anxious than me. He sat staring between me and the doctor.

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