Chapter 6

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"So here's the book of The Skulls. The ones who has weird powers."

"First we have Shane Collins, the one in the many military bases. He is just badass in a way, we saw him in action before Chelsea Collins came but it was nothing bad."

"Second we have Jake Collins, he recently just died. But he was in the Navy, he was a great soldier. He was partnered with Shane Collins. They're the best partners we have ever saw."

"Third, we have Blake Collins who is a doctor and also in the Navy. He returned back to life once, but also recently died."

"Fourth, we have Maria Collins. Works in the police station with Chelsea Collins. She recently came back during Collins's Retribution to help Chelsea out but unfortunately have to fade away."

"Fifth, we have three person. Born in the same year and the same day. Oldest one is Chelsea Collins. Then we have Bailey and Stephanie Collins."

"The twins, they can fly. Both of them were Phoenix once. But apparently turn back to The Skulls and Chelsea let them in. The Collins, they all have different eye colors due to their emotions and the x-virus."

"Now, The Collins I just mentioned just recently reach 85% of the x-virus. Kingsley Collins first successful experiment was Chelsea Collins. She is the first one to not explode or die from x-virus."

"Honestly, all we know now is that... Okay, we don't know what Chelsea Collins is and she might be a threat."

Luke's Point Of View

Chelsea didn't attend Jake's funeral, not because she want to disrespect him or anything. It's just that she doesn't want to.

"Here." Chelsea pass me a gun, "what?"

"You're training with me, come on."

"Don't think it's a good idea, Chels." I stated as she pull me into the shooting range.

"Please, it's going to be fun." Chelsea says then let out a laugh.

"You scare me..." I muttered. "Yeah whatever, hold it up." She says, smiling at me.

I hold up the gun, "okay, close one eye and you should see rectangles. So just aim at the sheet and then press this button to see if you shot it or not." Chelsea says to me.

I fire and then Chelsea press the button for me. The sheet came forward, "it's okay. I didn't make it the first or second time." Chelsea says to me.

"And when was that?" I raised eyebrows at her.

"When I was about 4 or 5." She simply shrugs.

My girlfriend is crazy.

Chelsea; glad you know that.

I look over at her who is smiling to herself.

I love you.

Chelsea; I love you too. And your gorgeous smile and eyes gotta stop. 

>> Stephanie's Point Of View

"Aw look, Chelsea and Luke spending time together." Hayley cooed when we step behind the shooting range.

Luke then put his hands up in defense and pass the gun back to Chelsea.

"I have a very crazy girlfriend." Luke says, walking past us.

I chuckled and heard the gun loaded. "Yeah, shooting practice!" Alex shouted.

Chelsea positioned her gun and then begin shooting.

"That's odd." I muttered. "What?" Noah raises his eyebrows at me.

"Chelsea missed all the shots..." I pointed out. "You're such a joker." Noah and Brandon laughs. We all walk out towards her.

She press the button, letting all of us to see the sheet.

"That's odd, you never missed a shot." Alex says to Chelsea.

Chelsea simply shrug it off.


"Wait, how did you know that Chelsea miss all the shots?" Brandon ask me.

"Well, my hearing. Hayley also heard it." I reply.

"Guys! I can't get any shots!" Chelsea says nervously. She drops the cards on the table,

"That's impossible, Chels. You never miss a shot!" Sam pointed out.

"I used the rifle, the machine gun, the pistol but nothing fucking works!" Chelsea's eyes turn red. "Okay, okay relax. You're just stressed out." Brandon says to her.

"Yeah, I will be in the boxing room." Chelsea says.

"We have a boxing room?" Amber rushes out. "Yeah, you're not invited." Chelsea says to her and left.

Amber then smiles cheekily, "Amber!"

"Fine." Her smile faded and walks back into her room.


We walk into the boxing room where Chelsea is punching the bag.

She gave it one last punch and the bag fell off. "Okay, no more punching. We're wasting money on punching bags." Alex says to her as she hang another punching bag.

"It's already 10pm, we need to close the facility and go back home."

"What?" Chelsea looks at us, "you've been punching for 5 hours." Alex stated.

Chelsea furrowed her eyebrows and walks out with us.

>> Chelsea's Point Of View

"Hey, I've been searching everywhere for you." Luke says to me, "well I was punching for 5 hours straight and lost time." I say, looking down at my knuckles.

"You okay?" Luke raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I've just been.. Out of it lately." I replied with a slight smile.

> Hayley's Point Of View

My eyes shot right open when I heard a scream. "Chelsea?" I raise my eyebrows. I run out of my room.

"It's not me." Chelsea mutters.

"Stephanie." We run into her room. "Stephanie, stop screaming!"

Chelsea jumps into her and grab her wrists, "Stephanie!" Stephanie's eyes shot right open, bright red.

"Why is her eyes red?" Gabe ask.

"Are you okay?" Chelsea ask Stephanie.

Stephanie didn't reply but glare into Chelsea's eyes. "What?" Chelsea questions Stephanie.

"Where's Bailey?"

>> Chelsea's Point Of View
> 4.07am

I walk into the police station, greeted by police officers. I walk into Maria's office.

Okay, it's damn dusty.

I let out a sigh and took out all of my siblings files.

I open the first page of everyone's files.

Insanity, Insanity, Insanity, Insanity... They think our family is insane.


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