74. No Cure

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I could feel a chill in the air as I crept down the stairs leading away from the Black Door, Ellery hurrying ahead to begin checking the areas ahead of us. Amicus followed close behind me, ready to react to anything we might find. If our Jester Assassin had hidden away in here, then likely there were traps waiting for anyone who followed him inside, keeping him safe from any who might wish him ill. The thought did little to comfort me when I saw the blood that had been spilled upon the floor by the wound he'd received from our Too Tall Brother outside.

What if I took too long outside, Amicus? Was I a fool to spend so long trying to help our Brother? Is our Cicero going to pay the price for the time I took?

I gasped when I saw a vaguely familiar blue glow from up ahead, Ellery dancing around it as it slashed at him. It was only when I saw the second ghostly figure that I realized it was not the Listener's summoned guardian ahead of us and Ellery truly was in danger.

Don't hurt him! Stop! Mother would not want her children fighting!

Running down the last of the steps, I pulled my dagger out and blocked the next swing, pushing the blade to the side as I began a familiar dance. This time, however, it was meant to defend me and my companions as we began moving in a half-circle around the spectral guardians of this Sanctuary. It was when the second entity joined the fight that I thanked Sithis for all the practice with Cicero, pulling out a second dagger to fend off the second blade.

Please, I need to find my Cicero! He needs me! Don't you understand? I need to make sure he lives! Mother, please stop them! Please!

My eyes widened in panic when I saw another blue glow to the side, coming from around a corner. I was barely handling defending against two, how was I to keep a third at bay? I didn't want to have to actually fight against our Brothers, even if they were already dead!

No, no, no! This isn't right! Amicus, why must I harm those who were once Family in life? Why must I hurt them?!

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt familiar hands grasp my wrists, the feeling of slipping into the role of Puppet allowing me to fade from the anguish of seeing my movements change from defensive to deadly as the first specter exploded into light when a dagger slashed across its throat.

"Shhh, let me take care of this. I'll keep us safe so that you can see our Cicero again. We will find him, together. I promise, now hush, dearest Faith," Amicus' voice whispered gently from behind me, the Puppet Master taking control.


"Who is it that has come to kill Cicero? Not the mutt, Cicero would have heard him by now if he got in. No, not that lumbering dog. Perhaps the Unchild? No, no, she would not have come so quickly with the sun against her. Ah, maybe it is the Listener, sent to kill Cicero for his supposed betrayal? Hah! Did the Fallen Pretender convince everyone of her lie?" The voice echoed along the passageway, followed by cackling as Ellery hurried ahead of us.

Amicus guided my steps as I focused on watching for traps, my hands trembling as I made my way down the stairs. Seeing another glowing specter ahead as we made our way out into a large chamber, I forced down the guilt and drew my dagger.


I'd banged against the door, for once truly upset that I had no voice to call out to my Cicero and tell him it was me on the other side of the door, that I was here to help him. Without a voice, all I could do was sob quietly against the door before pulling away and moving on, glad that at least he was still alive in there.

Walking toward the broken window, snow spilling out from the tunnel beyond it, I jumped in shock at the sudden shout of my love from the other side of the door.

"Brrr! Chilly! You'll enjoy this. Not an original part of the Sanctuary, per se. Let's call it a "forced addition." Forced by what? Oh, come and see!" He cackled again, coughing a few times before starting up again.

My poor Fool, what have you got hidden in here? What must I go up against before I am able to find a way back to you? Why can't I just call out to you and tell you that you are safe? No, it doesn't matter if you can hear me or not. I will find you and then I am never leaving your side again! I promise! Even if it costs me everything else I have, I will never let you be alone again!

Steeling myself, I took the first step into the cave, shivering at the sudden icy breeze that rushed past me. The splatters of blood I passed as I moved further down the tunnel did nothing to make me feel better about this "forced addition" of his.


Of course, it would be a troll! Only my Cicero would think such a thing to be 'enjoyable', silly Fool! Ahh, but I had to admit, if not for Amicus and Ellery doing their best to assist me, I likely would not have survived the fight. As it was, I hadn't gotten out without my own fair share of injuries, downing another potion as I clutched at my bleeding side. I could only pray I would reach my Cicero without needing to use any more of the potions. As it was, I worried if I would have enough to fully heal him of any wounds.

"All right, so Cicero attacked that harlot, Astrid! But what's a fool to do, when she slanders and mocks someone so very important to him? Surely the Listener understands!"

Oh, Cicero... I understand, I really do, but I wish you had waited until I returned! I could have kept you safe! I could have stopped her from saying what she did! Did she really mock our Mother? I'm so sorry, my Cicero!

"The Listener is much quieter than he usually is, but Cicero knows he is getting closer. Ahh, but perhaps the Listener is simply listening! But to who? Surely not Mother! Mother would not want this!"

Turning, I went to head further into the depths, desperate to get to my Cicero as he began coughing again, the sound sending shivers down my spine that had nothing to do with the cold.


"Cicero admits, he thought the Listener would be dead by now. Not that he wanted him dead, no.  That would make dear Faith cry and Cicero does not want that, not at all! Maybe we could just forget all this? Hmm? Let bygones be bygones? What do you say?"

The words echoed down the hallway as I limped my way past the pile of blue goo that was left behind by yet another specter, blood dripping onto the floor from the newest wound I'd received. I dared not drink another potion, though, not wanting to risk the chance of not having enough to heal my love when I finally made it to him.

It was several minutes later that I finally made it to the end of the hallway, only to hear coughing from closer than before, followed by another laugh before he shouted yet again.

"If it's any comfort, I do feel slightly bad about everything. Well, not for attacking the harlot! But I didn't want to hurt the Family, not after it was finally feeling like... well, a Family! I... I didn't want to hurt sweet Faith... She will be so sad to see the Family broken again..."

Oh, Cicero, that doesn't matter! The Family can be put together again! We did it once, we can do it again! But not if you aren't there! It can't be a Family without you! So don't you dare die, my foolish Fool!

Stumbling up toward the last barrier that lay between me and my Cicero, I paused when I heard yet another cough echoing down the hallway.

"And now we come to the end of our play. The grand finale." He sounded fainter than before, his voice weaker as he spoke.

Ellery stepped aside, his face grim as he nodded at me, watching as I took the final steps to the room that held my Jester Assassin.

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