41. Undesired Company

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I didn't even know how to begin thanking my Jester Assassin the next day when I awoke in a warm bed, layered in blankets to keep the cold at bay that seeped in from the various holes in the ceiling. How he had managed to drag the thing in here, I still am not sure, having spent the time trying to clean the remaining rubble from where there used to be a tunnel leading further in. Who knows where it once led, but this room was now the end of the path.

I shifted within the blanket's warmth when I felt a finger prod at my side.

"Faith, wake up. Sweet Faith needs to rise from her comfy bed. Cicero is sorry to rush her but a Sibling has requested his dear friend's ear for conversation about a... contract," I could tell he did not like the thought that I might have anything to do with a contract already, even if just talking about one.

Peeking my head out of the blankets, I sent Cicero a smile, trying to let him know it was okay. I would be okay. And I would, because no matter what happened, no matter where I was sent, I had something to come home to. I had a home, one which existed only because he was part of it.

I'm awake, dear friend! Who is it? Is it the Not Child again? I told her I would talk with her after I've had a few days to rest. Surely she has enough patience to wait that long, being a vampire.

"No, silly Faith, it is not the unchild. No, no, not her. It is the Initiate again, although he has promised Cicero that he will be more... respectful with Faith than he was last night," he spoke cheerfully as if I would be unable to see the sharp smile that appeared on his face or the way his honey-brown eyes glimmered with mischief.

Oh. Him. Well, I guess I can spare a few minutes of my time to hear what he has to say...

Sighing, I climbed out of the bed, turning to pull the blankets back up in an attempt to make the bed somewhat less of a mess than it was. Once that was done, I went over to the bowl of water sitting on the table and grabbed the ragged cloth within, rubbing at my face as I tried to wash away the sleep that still pulled at my eyelids. It was only as I slowly poked and prodded at the limited selection of clothing in my pack that my friend spoke up.

"If Faith continues to dwaddle, Cicero might have to tell the Initiate to just come inside instead of waiting in the hallway, since he suspects Faith would allow the entire day to pass her by before she is ready to leave their room," the laughter escaping with his words did nothing to help reduce the blush I felt creeping across my face.

Quickly grabbing whatever my hands touched, I hurried behind the curtain of cloth the Jester Assassin had hung last night to give me a place to change that was hidden from sight. Not because I didn't trust him, but because he'd claimed that 'a lady should have privacy when she wishes for it' as he'd screened off a corner of our room.

By the time I had stepped out from the curtain, I could hear Cicero talking quietly to Destin, the young male speaking so quickly I couldn't make out anything of what he said. When Cicero held up his hand to stop the initiate's words, I took a few steps closer to where the two sat at the table, plates of partially-eaten food before each of them and an untouched plate placed before the seat next to Cicero.

"The thoughtful Initiate brought breakfast to share while he waited for Faith to get ready. So polite, it almost makes up for his previous behavior," he said the words in the familiar sing-song voice he'd sometimes used when trying to decide if he would ignore me trying to sneak most of my carrots into his bowl of stew or if he should give me a double helping of carrots instead.

Oh. Well then, let's eat!

Sitting in the spot Cicero had chosen for me, nearly as far away from the one called Destin as I could get and still sit next to the Jester Assassin, I took a bite of the gently steaming eggs with a smile. Whoever had made this knew their seasonings, which left me wondering if it was the same person who'd made the stew previously.

"Umm... I just wanted to say, err... I'm sorry about last night! I didn't mean to be so rude! Sometimes I just... I don't always hold my tongue when I should and you kinda reminded me of someone I knew once and it shouldn't matter to me who you want to be friendly with but... Errm... I'll try to keep my personal issues to myself next time. I'm sorry," the Initiate stammered through his words, but it was obvious he was apologizing as best he could.

Looking up from my plate of food, I peered at the youth fidgeting at the other end of the table, his hands picking apart the thin slice of bread as he waited for a response. I still think he looked far too young to be a paid killer, but if Cicero said he was just as young when he became an assassin, who was I to comment again upon such a thing... But, being so young, I shouldn't be too hard on him. Especially since I was not exactly a socially adept person myself.

Very well. Just try to remember that you have no say in my personal life. Who I care about and how I care for them are my choices to make. I am the one who must live with the consequences of those choices, thus it is not fair for someone else to try and make them for me. If you can remember that and live with it, then we can wipe the slate clean and start again. If not, then you might as well leave now and do your best to ignore my presence here in the Sanctuary.

"I'll try my best not to put my foot in my mouth," he said with a grin, standing up and reaching his hand across the table to hang in the air in front of me.

Slowly raising my hand, I grasped his and gave it a quick shake before letting go and rubbing my hand against my leg under the table where he couldn't see.

Very well. Let's try this again. I am known as Faith, long-time thief, assassin in training, companion to Ellery and Amicus, and this here is Cicero, Keeper of the Night Mother, Jester Assassin, the Fool of Hearts, and my treasured friend.

"Ah, um... I'm known as Destin, recent Initiate into this group. Err, I was an orphan before coming to Skyrim. I was kinda hoping to find my dad's family or my... But that doesn't matter right now, does it... Umm, stuff happened and now I'm here?" He shrugged, glancing down at the pile of bread crumbs and blushing as he sat down the small piece he hadn't picked apart yet as he wiped the butter coating his fingers on the napkin beside his plate.

That's how life is sometimes. You make plans and stuff happens. It is what we do after that which determines what kind of life we live. Are you going to let the world decide your life for you or are you going to keep working for what you want in life?

The boy sat there quietly for a moment before nodding, a smile appearing on his face again. "Yeah, I'm not gonna let the world take anything else from me! I'm not giving up!"

Good boy. Now, Cicero mentioned you wanted to talk about a contract?

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