60. Unraveling Mysteries

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We'd managed to arrive four days before the reception would even begin, giving us more than enough time to scout the area it would be held. I'd even shown the Listener a few tricks for slipping into places we didn't belong, including the tells that let you know if a guard is tired, drunk, or otherwise less likely to be paying attention to what a random person is doing. Of course, it was unlikely that would be the case for a wedding, but we must learn when the chance arrives, regardless of how soon that knowledge will come in handy.

We still had two days left when we decided to explore the city while we had the chance, since who knew when we would have a chance to come back. It was as we wandered down a sidestreet that we heard something that caught my attention.

"Tendrils of thought may wind their way through this realm, but those tendrils bind our reality together," a voice called out from down the way, my eyes roaming until they spotted the beggar standing in front of a building and calling out to any who passed by. "Wait, hear my plea! My master, he is lost between worlds and I cannot bring him back!"

I paused to look at the Bosmer for a moment before slowly walking toward him again, my eyes watching him closely as we drew nearer. The Listener kept pace, staying close to my side as he looked back and forth between me and the beggar, frowning at the worn clothing the mer wore. Soon the mer called out again as a woman hurried past him, her head turned to avoid meeting his eyes.

"Why does everyone ignore me? Why do you turn your heads? Why will no one help me?" He seemed to question the world this as his shoulders slumped, exhaustion radiating from him as if he carried a great burden upon his back.

Pausing as my chest ached for the man, I turned to look up at my Listener.

Please Listener, can we see what help he needs? Perhaps we can assist him somehow during the time we have left before our contract is ready to fulfill? I... I can't ignore him, not after seeing my own companions ignored for so long. Surely we can at least hear him out and decide from there!

Gazing down at me for a moment, the Listener sighed and nodded, moving once more to take those final steps that would place him just out of reach of the mer who even now looked ready to begin sobbing helplessly into his hands.

"What help do you need, sir? If you do not ask for too much, perhaps we can assist you," my Listener said, gesturing to me before folding his arms across his chest as he tried to hide how he fidgeted with his sleeve.

As soon as the man turned to me, he paused before speaking again.

"You! You could convince Master to return! He'll listen to you, I know he will," he said as he took a step toward me, reaching into his bag. "Here, take this! Take it to him in the Pelagius Wing of the Blue palace and ask Master to return to his people! Before it is too late!"

As soon as he's shoved the item into my hands, he turned and hurried away, muttering about methods, madness, and melodies.

"What the heck was that about, Faith? Do you... Do you know that man?" Destin asked me, his eyes wide as he watched the man vanish around a corner.

Shaking my head, I looked down at the old looking bone the man had pressed into my hand just moments ago. I shivered at the feel and cautiously placed it into a piece of cloth before wrapping it up and slipping it into my pack. I felt a desperate need to wash my hands as soon as I could, turning to my Listener with a frown.

I have no idea who he was but I feel that it would be best to get him under the influence of his Master before he hands someone else a bone... Who knows where he is getting these things and what he might do if his Master doesn't appear before too much more time passes.

"Yeah, I don't even want to think about where he got that thing. It's not old enough to be from a Draugr and I don't think that guy was capable of fighting them anyhow. Heck, I doubt he could take down a skeleton by himself and that doesn't leave many other options for how to get ahold of someone's hip bone," he said as he gave a shudder, looking as ill as I had felt handling the thing.


I grinned and gave a nod to the maid as Destin told her we were simply there to clean up the mess in the Pelagius Wing to help reduce the rumors going around about the area. Luckily, it seemed she wasn't able to see how forced my grin was and passed the key to the Listener before heading off to her own duties.

Turning toward the Listener, I let my face relax, sighing as I rubbed at my aching cheeks. I hated faking a grin, it never felt right even if people rarely caught on. Although, this time I was sure that someone would, the hip bone in my pack making me feel like it was burning a hole through to my back as my skin crawled where the leather rested against my shirt.

I followed as my Listener began walking toward the door leading to the Pelagius Wing, the hallway revealed once he used the key dimly lit and filled with cobwebs. I pulled a cloth from one of my pouches and held it to my head, holding another cloth out to the Listener after he sneezed just moments later.

Making out way through the corridor, I watched as Ellery danced ahead of us, stopping once in a while to poke at a tipped over chair's leg or shake his head at the remains of old books rotted on the shelves of a bookcase.

It is a shame, isn't it Ellery, to see knowledge lost for lack of care... What a waste.

Barely glancing back at me, he simply nodded before moving on. It was several minutes later, as we were passing from one area to the next, that he stopped and finally spoke.

"Something is here. I'm not sure what, but something is-"

Before he could finish speaking, everything went dark. Slowly, a light began filtering in until the area was visible once more, revealing one of the strangest sights I had ever seen before. Two men sat at a table laden with food, one man dressed in a suit of red and purple, the other in the clothes of a nobleman. They appeared to be conversing until Destin stepped forward, interrupting the flow of words.

"Where the heck are we? And who are you? How did we get here? I -," he asked one question after another until he felt my hand on his arm, causing him to pause as he looked down at me to see what I had to say.

You need to give them a chance to respond, my Listener. And next time, try not to be so impatient. You interrupted their conversation and a rather unpleasant manner, Listener.

Turning to look at the two men, I bowed my head for a moment before meeting the curious gaze of the man in the odd yet fancy suit.

I apologize for my Listener's behavior. Please, continue your conversation and we shall wait until you have time to share with us. Oh, but do you mind if we share a seat at your table? I promise we will not eat your food, we simply wish to rest while we have the chance.

Before Destin could even open his mouth to begin translating my words, a shout rang out and everyone froze in place.

"Well, would you look at that, Pelly! It's quiet little Juni, come to visit me at last! I told you about Juni, didn't I? She's quite talented with a needle, you know!" The white-haired man called out loudly, clapping his hands as he stood. "Or are you still going by Valencia these days? You never were able to stick with a name for long, were you dear? Ahh, but that just makes you more interesting, doesn't it?!"

I- I'm... My name is Faith. Do I... know you?

"Ahh, you never could remember me, could you. Ah well, that just makes our little meetings more interesting when they happen! Come, sit! It's been far too many years since I've seen you, Juni! Far too many! And invite your companions to join us! Ellery, Amicus, come have a sit-down!"

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