55. Charming Thieves

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We were once again sent out of the Sanctuary as soon as we had a chance to rest for a couple of days, tasked with heading to Riften to visit the thieves guild to have the gaudy amulet appraised. Apparently the Pretender knew one of the members, the way she phrased it leaving me wondering if he was an old lover or an old Family member who had somehow left the Brotherhood without cutting ties. Or having his own throat cut to ensure no secrets were told.

I guess leaving didn't always come hand in hand with death, how odd. I would have thought that once one was in the Family, they were in for their entire life. It seemed strange to think it might be otherwise for some. Or maybe it was something unique to this branch of the Family and their fall from the Tenets?

Of course, it could simply be a way to allow some members to "retire" and keep them connected enough to use as their ears in places they could not always be. Yes, that might be it. There was some potential in that idea.

"I wish she would let you spend more time at the Sanctuary. It's not fair that she makes you follow me around so much and lose time with Cicero. I can tell he misses you when you are gone," the Listener said, keeping the horse to a steady pace as we traveled along the pathway. "Ah well, at least we're heading to Riften. I'll get to show you around some while we are there."

Tapping his shoulder to get him to turn around, I raised my eyebrow at him.

You've been there before? What is it like?

"Oh, yeah, you weren't there when I joined. My first contract, before I even joined up, was in Riften. There was a boy, you see... An orphan like me, but he ran away from the orphanage he was sent to because the mistress in charge of it was cruel. She beat the children and... well, he asked me to kill Grelod and when I did, Astrid found me and gave me an invitation to join the Brotherhood. Ah, but you want to know what it's like! Well," he paused for a moment, one hand coming to rub at his chin as he thought. "It's thick with thieves and ruffians, but it's not a bad place all around. There is a marketplace where you can find interesting trinkets sometimes, but avoid the stuff Bryn sells. That one is just plain troublesome, no matter how charming he behaves. There's the inn, of course, and although the innkeeper has a bit of an attitude, she runs a nice place. There are a lot of good people in Riften and it would take me all day to tell you about them. I would rather show you when we get there!"

I gave my usual silent laugh as I patted his shoulder playfully.

Then let us keep moving! I'm eager to see this place that you seem to like so much! I also want to see the one you would call charming... Ahh! Look at how you blush!


"Don't even start with the visitor's tax, man. I've already busted you on that one and Faith isn't about to fall for it either," the Listener sighed as he walked toward the gates, tapping his foot as he waited for the guard to stop fumbling with his keys and open the way into town.

"Shh! I'm just tryin' ta make a livin' the same as anyone else. Ya think they pay us a decent wage here? Now hurry along afore someone hears ya!" The guard likely would have pushed us through if not for my Listener sending a glare at the man as soon as he took a step in our direction, flinching back and just waving for us to hurry past already.

As soon as the gate shut behind us, the Listener began muttering.

"As if a guard needs to worry about putting food on his plate. They get a wage, plus food and shelter for their duty and yet he dares act like he's living a hard life," he growled, stalking forward down the path toward the center of town.

Grabbing his arm, I pulled him to a halt and looked up into his eyes. Why did everyone around me have to be taller than I was? Babette was the only one I didn't have to look up at, it seemed.

Maybe he does not seek to provide for himself, but instead for his family or a loved one. You should not judge his reasons before you know them, Listener. Not everyone seeks coin for their own use.

Sighing, his shoulders slumped as he shook his head.

"That still doesn't make what he is doing right... But I will think on what you have said. Let's go, the Ratway is down here," the Listener grabbed my hand and turned back down the pathway, leading me toward a bridge that passed over the waterway below. "I'll give you the tour after we finish up below."


"Well, well, I didn't expect to see you here again. What dragged you back into the Ragged Flagon, huh? Did Brynjolf sweet talk you into returning?" The bald Imperial chuckled as he sat at the table, a tankard of mead in front of him.

Blushing, the Listener shook his head and sat down across from the man, pulling out the cloth-wrapped amulet.

"No, Delvin. We came here on Astrid's request. She said you could appraise this," he spoke quietly, slipping the package across the table.

"Ahh, is that where you slipped off to so quietly... Brynjolf was pretty upset when you vanished, you know. He wondered if he'd said something to upset you after the mess with Mercer kicking you out. Not your fault you weren't meant for thieving," the man said as he grabbed the bundle and began pulling the layers away. "Well, what do we have here? Who'd you have to kill to get... No, no, I don't want to know. This, my boy, is an amulet of the Emperor's Elder Council. Specially crafted for each member. Worth a small fortune. Ain't somethin' you'd give up lightly. Don't know where you got this but it's not really my business what the Dark Brotherhood is up to these days. However, if you killed a member of the Elder Council-"

Slamming my hand down on the table to get the man's attention, I frowned down at him before taking a seat.

You're right, the Brotherhood's business is not your business, except for where we have dealings like this. In which, your business is strictly whether or not you are willing to buy the gaudy thing and how much you are willing to pay.

"Oh, and what do we have here? Haven't seen a silent talker in some time now. Give me a moment, I'm a bit rusty," the man scowled as he closed his eyes in thought. "I think I got the gist of what you said. A bit rude, but you have a point. Best not to question things. If I don't know, then they can't pin me, right? As for the amulet, yes, I'm willing to buy it. Let me get the letter of credit ready. She'll know what to do with it."

"Lad! Is that you?" A voice shouted from behind us, the Listener jumping in surprise before turning slowly around in his seat.

Oh, this must be the charming Bryn. I recognize that blush on your face, dear Listener.

"Did you just say Listener?" The bald man said as he slid the note across the table, the gaudy amulet already vanished into one of his pockets.

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