13. Creeping Vines

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I don't think my mind was working right, my thoughts murky and my most recent memories blurring together in strange ways. The jester's face would blur in my mind until I was looking at Ellery, then focus back into the one who called himself Cicero. One moment, I was on the ground being held against a wet but warm chest and the next I was sitting curled up on the driver's bench next to the strange jester who was not my Jester.

I felt like the world had tilted and I was waiting for it to right itself again.

"Ahh, the kind assassin who is not an assassin is waking up. Cicero was starting to worry that he had caused her to break more than she already was," the man's voice, once again in that higher pitch, spoke from beside me. "We are almost to Whiterun if quiet Faith needs anything while Cicero gets his wagon repaired."

I was unsure what to make of the man next to me, wondering why he hadn't simply killed me and ended the whole thing. I couldn't quite remember what exactly had happened after the fight. Amicus had said... something?

Ouch, why is my head so sore? I feel like it got smacked against a rock a few times... Urgh, and my throat, so dry.

As soon as I mouthed the words, a waterskin was shoved beneath my nose, the sloshing sound within causing my throat to feel even drier than it had before. I barely heard the man's words as I twisted the cap off and began guzzling the liquid it held.

"Cicero would guess that it was likely the crying that caused both. He remembers his own head hurting a few times in the past when he... Well, life was not always filled with laughter for poor, lonely Cicero," the man shrugged, looking away down the road when I turned my eyes toward him.

Reaching out, I passed him the waterskin back and touched his cheek, pulling my hand back when he flinched. I wasn't sure where he'd gotten the bruise, unsure if it had happened during the fight or some time afterward. It made me wonder yet again, what had happened earlier?

"You caught his interest, somehow."

I looked up and saw Ellery walking beside the wagon, barely within the range of the lantern's light. His dark hair shifted in the light breeze that was blowing past the cart, chilling me as I realized my clothing was still damp and the only thing helping was a thin blanket loosely wrapped over my shoulders.

"He won't hurt you, for now. He's intrigued. Something about us interests him and that is what will keep you alive. Don't lose his interest, Faith. If you do, I can't promise I can save you. He was holding back during that fight," I felt warm breath against the back of my neck, fingers running gently through my hair before Amicus pulled his hand away again. "I couldn't live if you died because I wasn't fast enough to save you."

I'll try, Amicus. I'll do my best to survive. After all, both of you are relying on me. We have treasures to find, right?

Looking to the side again, I saw the man look away from where he'd been watching my lips. Wait, something was wrong. Turning about in my seat, I looked around the wagon, seeing the oiled cloth still pulled tight to cover whatever cargo was held within the back. Reaching over slowly, I gave the man a quick shake to get his attention before pulling my hand back. As soon as his eyes returned to my face, gaze wandering before resting on my lips, I asked the question that had entered my mind.

Where is your mother? I don't see anyone but us in this wagon.

I wasn't expecting the laughter that bubbled up from the jester's throat. When his eyes met mine, I felt like I was going to drown within the depths of his honey-in-sunlight gaze. If he hadn't blinked a few moments later, I have doubts I would ever have been able to pull myself away long enough to hear what he said next.

"Oh, but if Cicero told kind Faith right now, he might have to cut her adventure short. And Cicero doesn't think either of us would want that to happen. Not before sweet Faith finds her treasure? Cicero wonders what kind of treasure someone like Faith seeks. Surely something far more interesting than what the average person would call treasure," the grin on his face went from frightening to sly almost faster than I could keep up with.

"Don't tell him everything. If you give him everything he wants, he might lose interest. Tell him just enough to wet his appetite to learn more," it could barely be called a whisper, Amicus kept his voice so soft as he traced his fingers along the back of my neck, making a shiver run through my body. "Gather as much of his interest as you can, sweetest Faith."

I tried to ignore the look of interest my movement garnered from the jester, feeling my cheeks grow warm from embarrassment. What was Amicus thinking? Reaching back, I swatted the back of my neck, feeling him pull his hands away as he gave a soft laugh.

Quit messing around Amicus! I can't think when you do that!

"Oh-ho! Cicero wonders just what kind of friend this Amicus is, that Faith turns so red in the face. Tell Cicero, is Amicus a 'special friend' of Faith's? How exactly does that work? Cicero is very curious," the wicked look in the jester's eyes had me nearly jumping from my seat, wanting to escape that burning gaze.

I- I don't need to explain anything about Amicus to you! You haven't earned the right to that knowledge! Amicus and Ellery are worth a hundred of you! You wish you could be a treasure as great as them!

"Ahh, we're here. Cicero thinks Faith should go visit the healer and see about getting her stitches fixed. Cicero will see to finding someone that can fix the wagon wheel and restock his supplies. If Faith wishes to keep traveling with Cicero, he will wait for her at the gates until noon," the man glanced in my direction as I looked ahead to see the gates drawing near, not even having realized how close we had gotten. "Cicero would recommend Faith be at the gates."

A different kind of shiver went down my spine at the subtle deepening of his voice. It became very clear to me what would happen if I was no longer 'wishing to travel with Cicero' and I made a mental note to be at the gates well before noon. It was at this point that I realized the sun had begun rising while I had been distracted by conversation. Looking once more at the gates ahead of us, I realized that I was not looking forward to returning to a town I had just left less than a day ago.

Hopefully, I could avoid the brothers this time. It would be awkward enough being here without having the smaller of the two shouting at me coming back so soon after being told to leave.

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