71. Before Darkness

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I crept around the corpse of the large spider we had just killed, blinking at the remains of a man wrapped in layers of webbing. He must have struggled fiercely, having torn through part of the cacoon he'd died in, shriveled fingers poking through near where I assumed his waist to be.

But what had me moving closer was the curiosity of what he might have known or found that he'd thought worth the risk to come here so obviously underprepared for the horrors that typically dwelled within these ruins. Had he found the treasure he was looking for? Or perhaps he had a map or book that would tell me what he'd sought, something like the book I'd grabbed so long ago from a dusty floor under a skeleton, one for a treasure I had yet to return for.

Oh, just thinking about something so special one was willing to risk their very life for it had me practically dancing my way up to the corpse before grabbing my dagger and cutting through the webbing! Images of rare books and one of a kind trinkets filled my head as I searched through dirty pockets and dug around in pouches, my eyes growing wide as I pulled out what looked like a miniature version of a dragon's claw made out of gold and gems. Moments later, I slid out the thin journal that had been in the same pouch.

Bastian, my Bastian, do you see this too? It's not just my imagination running wild, is it? Please tell me this is real!

Looking up from where I was crouched down, I lifted up the golden claw in trembling hands, seeing my brother's eyes looking just as wide as my own.

"I see it, Juniper. It's real, but what is it?" His voice whispered as if he worried that someone would hear him if is spoke any louder. "Where did he find it? Was it inside here somewhere or did he bring it in with him?"

I don't know. Let me check in the journal. Maybe he wrote about it? Oh, but this must be special! I bet even my Cicero would be amazed if I gave this to him!

Carefully wrapping the claw up in a piece of cloth, I settled it carefully within my pack before opening the journal and reading.

Oh, it's a key! To some kind of power of the ancient Nords? Or maybe a treasure that grants power? I'm not really sure. He didn't really write what the key unlocks, just something about a Hall of Stories? Do you want to see if we can find it, brother?

"Of course! After all, you promised trinkets for everyone, didn't you? We can't leave before we find something for each of our Siblings. Hey, do you think we could find something for Bryn down here? I was thinking, maybe after we finish the contracts... well, maybe I could go visit the guys," he plucked nervously at his sleeve as he glanced around, his eyes meeting mine only for a moment before darting off as he began blushing.

How about you tell me what you know about your Bryn while we make our way further inside and I'll keep my eyes open for anything that would make a fellow thief's heart leap to see!

I put the book inside my pack with the claw and lifted it onto my back, quiet laughter making my shoulders shake as I smiled up at my Bastian.


I could feel Amicus pull at my hand, moving my dagger into position to shift and push aside the blade that was swinging down at us with alarming speed for a Dead Thing. Although this Dead Thing looked a little different from the rest we had come across, better armored and perhaps a little stronger, quicker in its movements. It also seemed one of those capable of using voice magic, as I found out suddenly when I heard it yell at me right before I went flying back to land painfully on the ground, my dagger skidding off into the shadows.

"Faith!" I lifted my head groggily to see Bastian rush up at the thing with his sword raised, slashing it down to slam into the Dead Thing's shoulder, knocking it back.

Closing my eyes to stop the room from spinning, I lay my head back down and listened to the sound of battle, startled a few moments later when I heard Bastian use the same voice magic the Dead Thing had. The sound of bones and armor scattering across the stone flooring had me opening my eyes and turning my throbbing head to see my brother running over to me, his face pale as he pulled a potion from the pouch at his waist.

"Here, drink this! Don't you dare fall asleep on me before you drink that potion, Juniper! I promised Cicero I would bring you back home!"

Lifting a trembling hand, I winced at the scrapes that covered my fingers where they'd skidded across the stone. I grabbed the small bottle and brought it down to my lips, lifting my head enough to feel my hair pulling as it stuck to the ground. I would have to take a bath before we headed home. I couldn't let Cicero see me like this.

The feeling of warmth filled me as I drank down the potion, feeling my fingers twitch from the sensation of skin mending. When I felt that same sensation in the back of my head, I realized that one potion was definitely not going to be enough.

I'm sorry Ellery. I wasn't able to be careful enough to keep my promise. I didn't mean to get hurt... Please don't be angry at me when I get back home and see you.

"He won't be angry as long as you still come back home to him. Now drink another potion so you can get well enough to sit up. The Listener looks scared and I'm pretty sure he's not going to calm down until you aren't bleeding anymore, dear Faith," Amicus whispered as he helped lead my hand down to my waist where I kept the potions Babette had given me.

Thankfully, the pouch hadn't landed against the ground and the padding I'd added to the inside had been enough to keep them from shattering against each other.

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