Chapter 35

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They went to the restaurant and have one last nice meal together.

They decided to order something other than macaroni and cheese and went with fancy chicken meals.

After that they had dessert a they shared a piece of cheesecake and then they made their way back to the hotel.

Before that Wyatt wanted to say his last goodbyes to everyone.

Their first stop was the reindeers and he said bye to all of them even though Rudolph and Donner were the only ones to pay attention to him.

Then it was saying bye to Jacob.

Gabriella was happy that she didn't have to do this right now and had an extra day to think about how to do it all.

They made their way around the village and then the amusement park and all his goodbyes were finished.

"I have to go finish packing" he said.

She sighed "I know, I'll come help".

He kissed her on the forehead " I really appreciate it but you don't have to if you don't want to".

"I do want to help let's go".

She grabbed his hand and they walked back to the hotel hand in hand.

"I'm really sorry that I'm leaving and you had to find out today".

She smiled to hide her sadness "I understand and it's fine. I just wish we were leaving on the same day that is all".

"When are you leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow, but it's early in the morning".

"I'm sorry".

She kissed him "stop saying that I understand".


She helped him pack everything up and they both tripled checked to make sure nothing was left behind.

Once the packing was finished they were ready to head out.

Wyatt grabbed the scrapbook and sat on the bed.

He patted the bed "come here".

"But we should probably get you to the bus".

"It's fine come sit".

Gabriella sat on the bed next to him.

"Let's look through this together" he said.

She smiled "okay".

"I did want to say you did a nice job of drawing our first interaction together".

"Thanks it was nothing".

They went through the entire thing mostly laughing at each other.

"I still can't believe we were lost in the woods" she said.

"I know it was such a crazy thing".

"It really was and I was surprised that we walked away from everything".

"It's because we are tough. Thank you for including a picture of Alex and I".

"It was nothing besides I'm glad you made another friend".

"I'm still sorry about Camryn".

"You have nothing to be sorry for".

They continued looking through the scrapbook and by the time they went through it all talking about every little thing it was time for Wyatt to head out.

They were walking to the bus and Alex came out of nowhere.

Wyatt was so happy to see Alex and said goodbye and taking one last picture.

Alex scurried back off to the woods.

They walked the slowest they possibly could because they weren't ready to say goodbye.

After avoiding it for so long they finally reached the bus.

They loaded the suitcases onto the bus and just stared at each other.

Gabriella initiated the hug and they both hug each other so tight it was hard for them to let go.

They pulled back a little just so they could have their goodbye kiss.

Once the bus driver announced it was time to go they had one last kiss.

"I'll miss you thanks for being such great company" she said.

"Thanks for not hating me for spilling coffee on you".

She started to laugh "merry Christmas".

"Merry Christmas and text me when you get back to the hotel".

"I will".

They hugged one last time and said their final goodbye.

Gabriella waved bye as the bus was leaving.

She turned back and went back to the hotel.

She hoped that they would still keep in contact.

Walking back to the hotel alone was such a weird feeling since she hadn't done it since the first day. She got back to her room and texted him she was back and that she was going to sleep.

She was dreading tomorrow because she was spending the whole day by herself.

She was just happy that she was leaving early in the morning so that she wouldn't spend another day alone.

She stared at the ceiling hoping that she would awake up back into Wyatt's arms.

"Why hope for something so unrealistic, he's gone and I just have to get used to it" she said to herself.

She buried herself in the blankets and called it a night.

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