Chapter 30

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Gabriella woke up to a familiar sound and something nudging her.

"Stop" she said over and over.

Whatever it was it didn't stop and she finally opened her eyes "Vixen is that you?"

She stood up and rubbed her eyes to make sure they weren't deceiving her.

"Vixen I'm so glad to see you. How did you know I was here? Oh right you can't talk back".

She gave Vixen a hug "have you seen Wyatt we have been separated for some time".

Vixen shook a no motion.

"Can you help me find him?"

Vixen motioned for her to gets on it's back.

She grabbed her things and wrapped in a blanket and they were on their way.

Gabriella couldn't stop coughing and sneezing, she was getting worse.

Vixen noticed this and thought flying would be the best.

They were now in the air.

After about 10 minutes they spotted Wyatt.

Vixen charged down.

Wyatt and Alex were still sleeping.

"Wyatt wake up" she said while nudging him.

He finally woke up and Gabriella was smiling so hard.

"Hey sleepy its nice to see you" she said.

He smiled "nice to see you. Come here".

They hugged and Gabriella started crying.

"Oh Vixen, Gabriella this is Alex and has been keeping me company" he said.

"Nice to meet you Alex. Yeah Vixen just came and reduced me not to long ago and helped me find you".

He gave Vixen a hug "thank you. Oh Gabriella I saw a polar bear earlier and I'm sorry. I'm assuming that Camryn was helping you also".

She tried to hold back her tears "yeah um we ran into wolves and Camryn fought them off to protect me".

Wyatt hugged her "I'm sorry but look we are all here".

"I know but Camryn didn't deserve it".

Wyatt didn't know the right words to say.

He then quickly noticed her wrist "is your wrist okay?"

"Yeah I fell its no big deal".

Vixen got everyone, even Alex and they flew back to the outskirts of the village because Wyatt wanted to say goodbye to Alex.

Once they got there Vixen knew they were safe now and went back to not worry anyone.

"Thank you Vixen" Wyatt and Gabriella both said.

Gabriella took a picture of Wyatt and Alex since she finally got her phone back.

Wyatt took a deep breath "Alex you have been such a wonderful friend and I'll never forget you. Thank you for all your help and stay safe".

Alex gave him a little hug and Wyatt had tears in his eyes. Alex then scurried back to the woods.

She gave him a hug and told him that everything was going to be all right.

Gabriella was coughing even worse and she felt like they were going to pass out.

Wyatt immediately guided her to the medical area to get her checked out.

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