Chapter 14

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Gabriella had a hard time sleeping that night because she just couldn't get over the marvelous day she had.

The North Pole is even more amazing then she could have ever imagined and she may have met the guy of her dreams.

She went to the lobby that morning and got breakfast from there because it was free and why not.

Then Wyatt came and joined her.

"Morning"he said.

"Morning" she replied.

"What shall we do today?"

"I don't know I was thinking of checking out the workshop and see all the toys".

"Sounds like a plan".

Gabriella couldn't resist his smile, he had the cutest dimples.

They were having such a great conversation and Gabriella hadn't laughed and smiled so much in so long.

After finishing breakfast they made their way to the workshop.

When they opened the door it was like a toy wonderland and it reminded Gabriella of toys r us, one of her favorite stores ever.

"This reminds me of toys r us" Wyatt whispered to her.

"I was just thinking that. I miss that store".

"I took my little sister there all the time".

"Aww aren't you such a great big brother".

"I try".

The workshop was amazing and they even got to help make toys.

Gabriella felt like a kid again and that is why she's here.

Being here was a right choice.

The best part of the workshop is that if you help make a certain amount of toys you get a free teddy bear that says Santa's official helper and on the back it said North Pole workshop visiter.

After the workshop they decided to go back and pet the reindeers.

The reindeers were such marvelous animals and she wanted to take them home.

Gabriella took some pictures of Wyatt because his family wanted to see proof he was where he said he was.

After reindeer time they just went exploring, Santa is starting visits tonight and they knew it was going to be a long wait so they decided to go another day.

That is if he doesn't get annoyed with her.

They ran into Frank and Jocelyn again. Wyatt introduced himself and Jocelyn pulled Gabriella aside "I see you met someone".

"Yeah it's kind of a weird story".

"I'm just hope you have fun and enjoy it".

"I will try".

They both laughed. Frank and Jocelyn were great.

Once they parted ways with them they made their way to a candy shop.

Another marvelous place the North Pole had to offer.

The candy shop was mostly filled with candy canes and an assortment of chocolate.

Gabriella wasn't the biggest fan of candy canes but the different flavors had her interested in trying some.

She tried the hot chocolate and gingerbread cookie flavor and that was it for her.

She was going to buy so much before she leaves .

Gabriella was in a hot chocolate mood now so she dragged Wyatt and they went and got some.

While they were exploring they found out they had a movie theater.

They said why not.

They arrived at the theater and they had such good choices.

They narrowed it down to The Santa Clause, Fred Claus, and Christmas with the Kranks.

Those were the choices for today as they decided to see movies everyday until one of them leaves.

For today they decided with Christmas with the Kranks.

It seemed fitting because in the movie they try and skip Christmas for the year but things change and Gabriella is trying to somewhat also and the North Pole is trying to change that.

You can tell that they were in the North Pole because they had sugar and gingerbread cookies available in the theater.

This was new for Gabriella because she couldn't remember the last time she went to the movies with a boy and with a boy she liked.

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