Chapter 32

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The anticipation was killing Gabriella the walk from the hotel to the Claus house wasn't far but it seemed to be.

She held onto Wyatt's hand as tightly as possible, she never been kicked out of anywhere in her life.

The finally reached the Claus house and was escorted into their living room.

There stood before them was Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

Gabriella couldn't take it "I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to cause any trouble. We just wanted to have a fun night in the woods surrounded by all the animals. Maybe if we hadn't than Camryn would still be alive" she tried to catch her breath.

She started to cry.

Mrs. Claus started to comfort her.

"You are not in trouble we just wanted to make sure that you are all right and no harm was done" Santa said.

"Yeah we are not mad we just wanted to make sure everything is fine".

"Thank you" Wyatt said.

Gabriella caught her breath "oh sorry for being emotional I thought we were in trouble".

"I do have one question. Who is Camryn?" Santa asked.

Gabriella wiped her tears "Camryn is I- mean was a polar bear who helped me through the woods and kept me company. We were in a situation with wolves and Camryn stayed behind to keep me safe".

"Those wolves" Mrs. Claus said.

"Did you make any friends along the way?" Santa asked Wyatt.

"Yeah Alex it was an Arctic Fox".

"Is Alex alright".

"Yeah Alex is fine".

"Vixen also saved us" .

"Vixen is always a helpful reindeer".

"Yeah Vixen is amazing".

"Now we hope you both have an amazing rest of your trip and we are both glad that you are both safe".

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Claus".

"It really means a lot".

They both gave Gabriella and Wyatt a present and they promised not to open it until Christmas.

They thanked them once again and were on their way.

"See I told you not to worry" Wyatt said.

"Hahah I know".

They went back to the hotel once again and dropped off the presents and decided to go head to the amusement park.

They went on the little tunnel ride followed by the roller coaster and then the Ferris wheel.

After the excitement of the amusement park they decided to end the day with a nice grilled cheese.

One thing is for sure is that Gabriella was going to miss the grilled cheese here.

While they were going to call it a day they decided to sit and watch the tree lights flicker back and forth.

They didn't do much talking, they were just admiring one another.

It was getting late and as much as she wanted to share the night in the same room, Gabriella needed to finish her scrapbook for Wyatt since Christmas is approaching faster than she thought.

They first went to Niall's room to pick up the present and Gabriella wanted some of the cake to take back to her room.

Wyatt wanted to walk with Gabriella and once she reached her room she then realized that she still had his snow globes and gave it back to him.

They kissed goodnight and as Gabriella shut the door a smile never left her face.

She wasn't completely tired so she decided to work on the scrapbook for a little while. The computer area was still open for a little while and she printed more pictures.

She quickly went back to her room and got to work.

She didn't have a picture of their first interaction with the coffee spilling so she decided to draw it.

Gabriella was not an excellent artist but she gave it a try.

The scrapbook was almost done just a few more things to do and adding more if they decide to take more pictures.

"Ugh I hope he likes this" she said as she closed the book.

She took a shower, changed and buried herself into the blankets.

In a matter of minutes she was asleep.

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