Chapter 29

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Gabriella was still crying about and she felt so hopeless without her friend.

Wyatt and Alex were having a good time.

Gabriella was feeling sick and cold, she just didn't want to continue.

She wanted to lay down and sleep forever.

She fell down on the snow and never wanted to get up.

Something hit her face and it was a piece of paper.

She didn't really care for it but she became curious about it.

She grabbed the paper and she recognized the handwriting "Wyatt" she whispered to herself.

She started to read it and then she was crying again. She didn't want Wyatt to feel guilty about anything there was no way of knowing that all this was going to happen.

Sure Gabriella didn't want to but she still agreed and there is no one to blame.

She knew she had to find him and not let anything happen.

She doesn't want Wyatt to feel guilty.

She wiped her tears and put on a brave face and headed on the adventure to find him.

She found a stick and she needed some sort of protection so a stick was the only thing she could think of.

"Nothing is scaring me" she said aloud.

Then all of a sudden she heard a noise and ran.

Wyatt and Alex were having better luck and they have been finding all sorts of food.

It was mostly berries but it was still something.

"Oh Gabriella I hope we see each other soon" he said to himself.

Alex was great company for Wyatt because Alex seemed to never want to leave.

Wyatt and Alex stumbled upon something odd.

"Is that a polar bear?" Wyatt asked himself.

Wyatt walked closer and it was indeed a polar bear.

Alex didn't go any further "Alex it's okay it's not alive".

Alex was still hesitant to walk near it but Alex walked slowly then eventually reached Wyatt's side.

"This is odd it looks like someone made a little memorial".

He walked around and noticed the words R.I.P Camryn in the snow.

"It has to be Gabriella she loves polar bears and must have made friends and something bad happened".

Wyatt looked at noticed all the bite marks.

He turned to Alex "we are on the right track".

Wyatt was right but he still had a lot of catching up to do.

The note Wyatt sent was the only thing that was keeping Gabriella going because she wanted to give up so badly.

She could feel a cold coming on and she hasn't felt this sick in awhile.

The only thing that was keeping her warm was the little blanket she had it wasn't much but it was still something.

They both have no idea how long they have been in the woods but it was feeling like weeks.

"Look Alex footprints" Wyatt said.

It led them to a cave and it was s cave that only had one way in and out.

They walked through the cave and suddenly the footprints were going in various directions.

He picked one and went with it.

Gabriella was sick sick and she was coughing and sneezing real bad.

She felt very fatigue that she was going to pass out.

She kept going but the sickness was catching up with her.

A couple of seconds later she passed out and ended up rolling down a hill and hit a tree which knocked her out.

She was passed out, alone and sick.

Wyatt and Alex are going in circles hoping to find new foot prints but there was nothing.

Wyatt and Alex took a little break and sat down and rested.

Which ended up turning into a nap.

They were closing to each other then they thought.

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