Chapter 21

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The reindeers were as glorious as always and she just now realized that they have name tags.

This one reindeer always seems to come up to her, she isn't for certain that it is the same one.

Vixen is the one who seems to like her the most while for Wyatt they seem to not care except for Rudolph and Donner who just won't leave him alone.

Gabriella took pictures of him with the reindeers and no matter what else they find to do in the North Pole being with the reindeers is the best.

She took a lot of pictures with Vixen and she never wanted to leave.

One of the reindeer trainers noticed how much Gabriella and Vixen were bonding and came over.

"Vixen sure likes you" the trainer said.

Gabriella laughed "yeah I wasn't expecting any of the reindeer to like me this much and I certainly didn't think I would love them this much".

"Vixen is usually the one who stays away from people so you must be special".

"I highly doubt it".

Wyatt kept running and playing with Rudolph and Donner and she couldn't help but laugh.

"You know him?" The trainer asked.

"Yeah and all the other reindeers are avoiding him and those two seem to love bothering him".

"They are the funny ones. They love to mess with people".

Wyatt came over to us "those reindeers" he said then laughed.

"I was just telling her that they love messing with others".

"Of course".

"I'm Wyatt by the way".



"So you train the reindeers?" Wyatt asked Jacob.

"Yeah in one of them I usually make sure they are being nice to the guests and make sure they are well fed".

"That's cool".

Vixen was still sitting next to Gabriella.

"Gabriella since Vixen likes you so much if you ever want to become a trainer or just a reindeer helper you always can. I can make sure you get paired up with Vixen. Wyatt you also can since Rudolph and Donner seemed to like playing with you".

"That would honestly be so cool but I don't know" she said.

"You don't have to decide now it's just a though".

Jacob went to go tend to the other reindeers.

Donner came behind Wyatt and nudge its head into his back.

"I guess Donner still wants to play" Gabriella said.

"Guess so".

Wyatt ran off and asked Jacob if she can walk Vixen around.

Jacob agreed and she told Wyatt what she was doing.

Wyatt was already a Christmas miracle but having Vixen like her so much makes her want to drop everything and live here full time.

She couldn't leave her home and bakery.

Vixen did made a little sound and then Vixen moved its head.

Vixen wanted Gabriella to get on and ride.

She did and she was a little scared.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

Then before she knew it she was in the air.

It was beautiful but she was so scared of falling off.

Vixen took her for a ride around the North Pole and then they were back on ground.

She was shocked.

They went back to the reindeer area and told Jacob what happened "um Jacob I just basically flew and I don't know what else".

He looked confused "you mean Vixen took you on a ride".

"Yeah I was shocked".

"Wow I was wrong Vixen totally likes you and he never does this. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine it was just so random and I hope I'm not getting Vixen in trouble".

"No of course not. I'm glad, Vixen usually is sad and I haven't seen Vixen this happy".



Gabriella said bye to Vixen and said she will be back later.

She then told Wyatt what happened and he was both shocked and jealous.

Now she really wanted to bring Vixen home.

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