Chapter 2

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The sound of her alarm sounded.

She got ready and out the door she went.

She stopped at the coffee shop to pick up some coffee for both her and Debby.

She even got to the bakery earlier then yesterday.

She saw the bakery and there was a line full of people waiting.

"Oh boy" she said.

She unlocked the doors and luckily Debby got there as soon as she opened the doors.

All the people in the line were ready to have orders placed.

The bakery hasn't been this packed since thanksgiving.

All the orders that were being placed were for Christmas and it was a relief because it gives her time.

Luckily, Debby and Gabriella hired extra help and the two new employees Francine and Daphne are starting soon.

Once all the orders were placed it was a big sigh of freedom.

"Well that was fun" Debby said.

"We have a lot of orders and it's good business. We haven't even started making them and I'm already tired".

"Your telling me".

It was now lunch time and Gabriella usually stays in the bakery but this time she decides to go down the street and have a nice lunch to herself.

"Do you dread the holidays and want that magic back then this may be the place for you" a voice said.

Gabriella stopped walking and looked around and there she saw in the window an advertisement for the trip to the North Pole.

She stopped and watch.

She started to think maybe a trip to the North Pole will make things differently.

She walked away and proceeded to the restaurant.

While she was eating she kept thinking about how she wants things to change.

"I'm going to go" she thought to herself.

She returned to the bakery and just before Debby was about to leave for lunch she thought she ask what she thinks of it.

"So Debby I have a quick question".

"What is it?"

"What do you think of me going to the North Pole for that Christmas magic thing they have".

"Honestly for you I think it's great. I mean for you because maybe it will relieve your love for Christmas".

"I think so but I can't go".

"And why not?"

"Debby come on I can't leave you here with all these orders".

"I'll be fine and besides my daughter has always wanted to bake pies here so she can start now. Plus Francine and Daphne are starting soon we will be fine".

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure and just look more into it and we will figure it out".

"Okay enjoy your lunch".

The bakery was slow and it gave her time to pull out her laptop and do some research.

The North Pole adventure. Calling all Christmas lover and even those who may hate Christmas. Coming to the North Pole may be the best trip of your lives. We have reindeers, elves, and of course Santa Claus. We have a wide range of activities for everyone. So come on and catch a flight. We can't wait to see you.

Gabriella just sat there scrolling through the website and the more she looked at it the more she felt like she needed to go.

She shut her laptop and attended to the guests that came in the bakery.

Debby returned back from her lunch.

They spent the rest of the work day cooking and preparing for the next.

After the bakery closed Gabriella got a surprise once she returned to her apartment.

It was her sister Bailey "Hey sis I have a favor".

"Which is?"

"I need you to watch Danny and Rachel".


"Greg's mom is in the hospital and we want to go check on her".

"Omg is she okay?"

"Yeah it doesn't seem to be serious but will you please watch them?"

"Yeah of course. Guess aunty Gabriella is in action tonight".

"Yayyyyyy" the twins yelled.

Gabriella much rather spend her night alone and sleeping but she loves her niece and nephew so she had to say yes. Besides they have to go make sure greg's mom is okay.

Bailey left and now she was in charge until more than likely the morning because they each had a bag of clothes with them.

"Alright what do you guys want to do?"

"Tvvvvvv" Rachel yelled.

"Ok tv it is".

It took a while to decide on what to watch but once Gabriella put SpongeBob on they both were hooked and settled.

Dinner was simple because they just ordered a pizza and about an hour after that they were passed out.

Bailey called and said they would be back in the morning which Gabriella didn't mind because they were sleeping and she had quiet until the morning, well hopefully.

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