Chapter 23

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When Gabriella got up that morning she was woken up by a knock.

When she went to answer the door there was no one there.

She looked down and there was a note.

Get ready when your ready of course and don't forget to eat breakfast. When your done with that follow the clues, I have the day planned.


Gabriella was really not in the mood because she was still tired.

She ate a quick breakfast and got ready.

Clue 1: come to where we first met here.

Gabriella was pretty sure that it was the bakery because she saw him in class.

She headed over there.

There was a note under a cookie.

Clue 2: good job remembering. Now go find Vixen.

This was a clue that she was happy about.

She went over to the reindeers and Vixen came running towards her.

On Vixens collar there was another note.

Once Gabriella grabbed the note Vixen ran and came back with a flower.

Clue 3: come to the amusement park bus.

When Gabriella saw the word amusement park she thought that she was going to have to actually ride the bus to the park.

There was the bus driver George and she handed her the note.

She thanked him.

Clue 4: come to our trees.

She was tired of all this walking.

There was another note.

Congratulations on finding all the clues. Now try and find me.

Gabriella roller her eyes "is he serious" she said aloud to herself.

Gabriella had no idea where he would be and had no idea what the point of this was.

Then she noticed something on the last clue, there was a letter on the back.

She looked at all of them from the first to the last.

It spelled out drink.

Drink meant nothing but if it had to do something with them then it must be about the hot chocolate place.

She went and guess what she found?

Another note.

Good job on finding the secret letters now I'm at a place we haven't been to yet.

You will like it.

Gabriella was annoyed yet impressed.

She looked at the guide and noticed that she has been wanting to go to the animal area they have.

She went and checked that out mainly because she wants to see some Arctic foxes because they look so adorable and Gabriella loves polar bears so maybe she will see one.

If Wyatt is not there then she will call him to tell him that she gives up and is seeing the animals.

It was not a long walk but it was long.

When she arrived there was Wyatt.

"Really a scavenger hunt" Gabriella said.

"I thought it could be fun".


"I know how you wanted to come see the animals so I thought it would be fun".

"It was a little. Any Arctic foxes".

"Yeah come this way".

Wyatt held her hand and guided her.

The way the animal area works is that there are boundaries that you can't pass and the animals hardly ever pass it either but you can walk around inside the boundaries and the animals will pop out whenever.

They had to be really quiet but Gabriella got to see her arctic fox and they were even more beautiful in person.

Gabriella quickly took a picture and then Wyatt took one of her with it in the background.

She may have found her new favorite place.

They walked further into the more ice water area and she never thought she would see a real life narwhal but there was one right in front of her.

They sat down on the snow and just watched the animals roam around.

She buried herself in Wyatt's arms and he kissed her on the forehead.

Gabriella hasn't felt this happy in a long time.

Just when she thought things couldn't get more amazing an owl came and flew right in front of them.

It looked so much like Hedwig from Harry Potter.

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