Chapter 34

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The Ferris wheel operator was so nice that he allowed Wyatt and Gabriella to stay up on the top for awhile since there was no one coming to ride it.

"This is such a remarkable view" she said.

"It really is".

She leaned back into Wyatt and every time they kissed it felt like magic.

They took yet another picture and Gabriella was finishing her scrapbook in her head since she still needs a few more additions.

"I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas" he said.

"Me neither I just wish we didn't spend so much time away from each other when we were fighting for survival in the woods".

He grabbed her face gently and placed a kiss on her forehead "we are here now and that is all that matters".

They motioned to the Ferris wheel operator that they we were ready to come down.

Once they got down they were feeling a little hungry so they got some grilled cheese once again.

Gabriella was smiling so much that she was probably embarrassing her self.

Wyatt didn't mind because he loved seeing her so happy.

They finished their grilled cheese and moved on to the next thing they wanted to do.

They went to the workshop to find last minute gifts and even see if they could help make some toys.

Gabriella found some gifts that she wanted to give to her family and would pick them up before she leaves.

They helped make some bikes and even get dolls ready to be wrapped to send.

After the fun of the workshop they were in the mood to relax and enjoy this Christmas Eve together.

At the North Pole for Christmas Eve everyone is usually out until the clock strikes 12 so everyone can say merry Christmas to each other.

Also Santa gives the first present of Christmas out.

They both were tired but they both said they would stay up.

Before all that began they found a table and grabbed a hot chocolate and relaxed for awhile.

"So Wyatt" she said.

"So Gabriella".

"What has been your favorite part of the North Pole and don't say meeting me".

"Ok besides you I think my favorite part of the North Pole would be maybe the Ferris wheel and the reindeers and the workshop and the Claus's and being stuck in the woods, well before we got separated".


"Yeah. What was your favorite part since your laughing at me".

"Well I love Vixen and I did love being out in the woods with all the animals besides losing Camryn. All of this has been amazing".

"Do you think you love the holidays again?"

"I do but not entirely but more than I did before I came here".

He kissed her.

"Do you think your injury is more relaxed".

"A little".

"I hope you make your spot and can play majors".

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