Chapter 10

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*weeks later*

It was the day she was leaving it also is her 24th birthday.

When Gabriella got up that morning she made sure she had everything ready to go and she did.

She tripled checked everything and locked up her apartment, she couldn't believe she was leaving for so long.

Her parents were taking her to the airport and she told them to pick her up from the bakery as she was giving Debby everything she needed for the bakery.

When Gabriella arrived at the bakery she was in for a surprise.

All her family were there to send her off. It was so nice Gabriella started to cry and she is not a crier, well she is but not in front of others.

They gave her a little going away party and mainly a birthday party. She really is surrounded by the best people.

Gabriella was officially 24.

Debby, Francine, and Daphne got Gabriella a little something.

They way everyone was acting made it seem like she was never coming back.

They got her a bracelet that said her name on it with charms that had all the things that were sold at the bakery.

They all now had matching bracelets.

She hugged them and thanked them over and over.

It was time to leave and she said bye to everyone one last time and she was off to the North Pole.

The car ride to the airport was mostly her and Bailey talking and she was going to miss everyone a lot.

Once they arrived to the airport it all started to become so much more real and she was starting to feel scared and she wanted to back out.

She knew she couldn't.

Her family walked as far as they could and she hugged them all goodbye.

This was it its finally happening.

She did one last turn around and waved goodbye.

She was now alone and in unfamiliar territory.

Unfamiliar territory meaning she hasn't been to the airport since she was maybe 12 when her family went to visit her relatives in Massachusetts.

She thought it would be a good idea to find her gate so she wouldn't miss her flight.

Once she found her gate she decided to get some food and something to drink because she hasn't ate anything and has 2 hours before her flight leaves.

She found something familiar and that was coffee and pastries.

Once she found a coffee shop she was excited about her coffee and croissant but her coffee was gone in an instant.

As she turned around she ran into someone and her coffee was on her and the floor.

"I'm so sorry" the person said.

"Oh it's alright don't worry about it" Gabriella responded.

"Are you sure I'll buy you another coffee".

"That's really nice of you but it's honestly fine. I should go clean up".

Gabriella started to walk away to go find a bathroom.

"Sorry again" the person said as Gabriella was walking away.

Once Gabriella found a bathroom she realized that the coffee wasn't as bad as she thought but it was still all over her.

She tried to clean her shirt as best as she could but the easiest solution was to change her shirt and wash it in the sink.

Gabriella changed and washed her shirt and used the hand dryer to dry her shirt.

The shirt wasn't completely destroyed but all you smelt was coffee and soap.

She stuffed her shirt at the very bottom of her bag.

Her trip was off to a horrible start just as she suspected it would be.

She was still thirsty and decided to drink from the water fountain because right now she was staying away from coffee.

While she was walking back to her gate she noticed a smoothie place and got one.

The only good thing was that her croissant was still in perfect condition.

She sat down and enjoyed it before her flight took off.

North Pole here she comes.

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