Chapter 31

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Gabriella woke up to the smell of bagels.

She got up and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning sleepy" he said.

She grabbed the chocolate milk "good morning".

"Sleep good?"

"Yeah. Did I dream everything or did that all happen?"

"It happened but it's okay. We are okay".

He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for breakfast and thanks for staying with me last night".

"Of course it was no problem at all. After breakfast I'm going to go back to my room and get a change of clothes and maybe a shower".

"Yeah of course understandable and I don't know if I feel like going out today I much rather stay in here".

"I get it. I'll come back after, if you want me too".

"I would like that" they both smiled at each other.

After the finished eating Wyatt headed back to his room and Gabriella decided to take a shower.

The hot water felt so good and refreshing.

After she finished her shower she brushed her hair and then her teeth.

She then decided it would be a good time to finish the scrapbook for Wyatt.

She sneaked to the computer area and printed the new ones.

She quickly returned to her room and got to work.

Just as she was almost done she heard a knock on the door.

She knew it was Wyatt so she put everything away.

"I'm back" he said as she opened the door.

"I guess you are".

"Do anything exciting while I was gone?"

"Not really besides burning my skin with hot water that felt nice".

"I did that also. Do you feel any better?"

"A little just my nose is bothering me still. Do you feel okay".

"That's good and yeah in alright. How's your wrist".

"A lot better".

They then laid on the bed and watched whatever they could find on tv.

After a while Gabriella felt good enough to go back outside "hey I know I said earlier I wanted to stay inside but I feel like I'm good enough to go outside. If you are up to it of course".

"Yeah I'm up for it are you sure though?"

"Yeah and besides I want to go thank Vixen again".


They put their coats on and headed Togo see Vixen.

Once she saw Vixen she ran immediately "there's my hero".

She gave Vixen a big hug "thank you for coming to save us".

Wyatt came and said thank you as well.

"I'm so glad you two are okay. I saw you walk up and you went into the medical area. What happened?" Jacob came and said.

"Yeah we got lost in the woods, dealt with scary animals, got separated, and then Vixen came and saved us" Wyatt said.

He turned to Vixen "so that's why you ran off".

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