Chapter 12

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Gabriella really hated how awkward she was and wanted off this plane as soon as possible.

The only good thing about the plane ride was that Frank and Jocelyn were such good plane neighbors.

Once the plane landed Frank and Jocelyn left and told Gabriella that they would probably see each other once again and wished her a happy birthday.

Gabriella sat her in her seat for awhile to one make sure she doesn't forget anything and two to make sure she avoids coffee spiller.

She saw coffee spiller walk by and waited just a couple of minutes and she left the plane.

She had to go get her luggage and then make her way to the hotel.

She was so excited to see what the North Pole was like.

She stepped out of the plane and everything was decorated all extreme, all you heard was Christmas music.

She walked to get her luggage and the nice thing about this place was their was a bus that took you to the hotels.

Once she stepped outside to wait for her bus there was an instant chill that hit her body.

She put her other jacket on and once the bus arrived and she loaded her suitcases she decided to call her parents and then Debby that she arrived.

"Hey mom I just landed and I'm on my way to the hotel" Gabriella said.

"That's so wonderful how is it there?"

"Very cold but it's so beautiful here".

"How was the flight?"

"It was good I met some nice people who sat next to me and I slept most of the way".

"Sounds fun".

"It was. I'll let you go. Just wanted to let you know I got here safely".

"Ok call me soon and have fun".


It was nice for Gabriella to hear a familiar voice.

Then she called Debby "Has the bakery burned down yet?"

"No it hasn't. Have you landed yet?"

"Yeah I have, I'm on my way to the hotel now".

"Is it nice there?"

"It's very cold but yes it's nice".

"Was the flight good?"

"Yes very I slept most of the way. I need to tell you something. Before the flight I got coffee spilled on me by a very cute guy".

"Go onnnn".

"I left really awkwardly because I had coffee on me and wanted to change. Well long story short he is here and he saw me on the plane and it's very awkward".

"This is definitely a sign, maybe you will find a Christmas love".

"Come on Debby it's me".


"You think?"

"It could happen and tell me how cute is he".

"Hold got to make sure he is not on this bus. Okay we are good. Anyways he is just a little bit taller than me. He has dark brown hair and his eyes are kind of blue not totally blue. He also apologized so many times and he seems nice".

"Gabriella I think it could happen and he sounds like your type and if he plays hockey and or football then he is definitely your type and it's a sign".

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