Chapter 15

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After the movies they were both pretty tired and decided to head back to the hotel early.

"See you tomorrow" Wyatt said.

She smiled "see you tomorrow".

Gabriella was really surprised that she was having a good time.

When Gabriella reached her hotel room she couldn't believe all this was happening.

It was still early and she was tired but not tired enough to go to bed at 7.

She decided to grab a book and read until she fell asleep.

She ended up falling asleep on the couch and woke up in a confused state.

She was confused on how she was still in the couch because she thought for sure she made it back to the bed.

She made breakfast from her room.

It was pretty late and she thought Wyatt went out exploring and forgot all about her.

She made her way to the lobby and there he was sitting, waiting.

She smiled.

He walked towards her "hey I thought you forgot about me. Someone slept in".

She laughed "yeah well I fell asleep on the couch and just was confused for awhile then I ate breakfast".

"Oh you already ate?"

"Yeah sorry".

"No it's cool I'll just grab something quick".

"No no no eat whatever".

He did certainly eat whatever. Gabriella didn't care because he was waiting for her and now she can wait for him.

After Wyatt got done eating they looked at the guide and they both totally missed that down at the farther bend of the North Pole there was a amusement park.

It wasn't really an amusement park but it sort of was because there were rides and all that type of stuff.

They had to take a bus to get there but it wasn't far it was only for safety precautions and it wasn't really a bus, more like a sleigh.

They just made it in time and taking a sleigh ride in the literal North Pole is something Gabriella thought she would never do.

The sleigh ride was a lot of fun and she couldn't wait to take it back.

They arrived at the amusement park and this was definitely a winter wonderland and oddly enough that is what the theme park was named.

There wasn't a whole lot of rides but it did have a rollercoaster and Gabriella did have a liking for rollercoasters.

They got in line for the rollercoaster and this is the best kind of theme park because there were no long lines.

The roller coaster was fun and it had a lot more up and downs then Gabriella would have imagined.

The next thing they did was play theme park games, mostly known as the waste of money games.

Gabriella ended up winning a few prices like she won a penguin and an elf stuffed animal so she was on a pretty good streak.

Wyatt was showing off because he went for playing the athletic type games and he was winning big time.

While Gabriella was winning small stuffed animals he was winning the super large ones and even a few snow globes along the way.

After the excitement of rides and games they found a nice little store in the amusement park that sold grilled cheese and Gabriella went straight for that.

"This grilled cheese is amazing" she said.


Maybe the best grilled cheese she ever had. 

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