Chapter 78 : When the jewel is whole

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Kohaku continues to fall into a huge canyon in a suicide attempt to make his body an unsuitable vessel for Magatsuhi. Kikyō's light forces Magatsuhi out of his body, exposing him to attack. Sango and Inuyasha chase after Kohaku, but Naraku's appendages shoot down from the sky and grab Kohaku by his leg; Magatsuhi gives a wicked grin as Naraku begins pulling Kohaku up. However, Sango cuts the tentacle with her Hiraikotsu, allowing Kohaku to land on a nearby ledge. Inuyasha launches Meidō Zangetsuha at the cloud Naraku's tentacles are coming from, sucking in the cloud. Kagome wonders if Naraku is dead, but then immediately knows better because she can still sense the defiled Shikon Jewel; she yells that Naraku isn't dead to Inuyasha.

At that moment, more of Naraku's tentacles burst from the walls of the canyon around them, trying to grab Kohaku from on top Kirara as Inuyasha fights them. Magatsuhi tells everyone that it was a nice try, but they've lost. At that moment, Magatsuhi lets out a cry of pain as the upper left of his face is cut off by Tenseiga; Sesshōmaru has arrived. Naraku attempts attacking him, but Sesshōmaru simply draws Bakusaiga and swings it once, making Naraku's tentacles explode one after the other. Sesshōmaru explains to Magatsuhi that he will die there, going into detail about how Magatsuhi used Byakuya of Dreams to elude him- "are you that fearful of Tenseiga?"

Kagome watches, knowing that only Sesshōmaru's Tenseiga is capable of cutting Magatsuhi down; when he's destroyed, the full extent of her spiritual powers will finally be released. Magatsuhi laughs, saying if Sesshōmaru was capable of killing him, he would have done it in the first strike. Sesshōmaru explains that he simply choose not to; Magatsuhi tries fleeing before Sesshōmaru can finish, but is blocked. The reason is that Sesshōmaru wanted Magatsuhi to know who was killing him, giving a death blow with Tenseiga. Screaming in agony, Magatsuhi vanishes, saying it's not the end; he is indestructible. Kagome and Kohaku both wonder what he means, thinking Magatsuhi is not entirely destroyed. Sango then remembers some of Magatsuhi was sucked into the Wind Tunnel.

Meanwhile, at the hut Miroku and Rin are recovering at, the moon glows redder. Inside, Jaken is still worried about Rin, keeping a vigilant watch over her; she and Miroku are still unconscious from being infected with Magatsuhi's poison. At that moment an ominous red glow begins emanating from Miroku's body. Kaede is shocked by this, wondering what is going on. Jaken is even more surprised, worrying if something terrible is about to happen.

Back to the battlefield, Sango informs Sesshōmaru both Miroku and Rin were infected with Magatsuhi's poison during his possession of Kohaku, prompting him to leave. Everyone agrees they should follow Sesshōmaru back; Inuyasha calls up to Kagome, telling her they're leaving. However, they very moment she responds, Naraku appears from behind Kagome and captures her; Naraku is surprised she couldn't tell where he even if he was in a barrier. He demands Kohaku give up his Shikon Jewel shard in exchange for Kagome's life. Inuyasha attempts to save her but is blocked by a barrier. Kagome knows that Naraku let his guard down because he believed that she had no spiritual power left, but unknown to Naraku Kagome still had the power and ability to locate the Shikon Jewel and finds it deep within his right shoulder. Kagome says this to Sango and Inuyasha, and Naraku renders her unconscious.

Inuyasha whispers to Sango, transforming Tessaiga to its Red form; Sango immediately guesses that if they hit Naraku at the right time, they can save Kagome. Inuyasha launches a wave with Tessaiga, striking Naraku's barrier and dissolving it. Sango flies by on Kirara, striking Naraku's right shoulder; they wonder if it worked. However, he only laughs, asking if they feel better now that they tried. Once the miasma coming from his wound subsides, they are shocked to find that they cannot reach the jewel because... Mōryōmaru's armored shell is covering it! Naraku goes on to explain that Mōryōmaru created his armored shell by swallowing the turtle demon Meiōjū, who had the hardest shell amongst demons; the shell could not be broken by Sesshōmaru's Tōkijin (which snapped in half after only managing to crack it) and the Dragon-scaled Tessaiga didn't fair much better. When Mōryōmaru was no longer of any use to him, Naraku absorbed him, gaining the perfect shield to protect the Shikon Jewel. Naraku explains it was no accident that they were able to wound him; he allowed it to show them they can't get the jewel. In simpler terms, he lowered his barrier the moment Inuyasha's attack hit; it wouldn't have worked at all, and hasn't since Mount Hakurei.

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