Chapter 68 : Flowers drenched in sadness

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A dreary, rainy day occurs at the field of flowers that Kagura died in. Kanna approaches the spot her sister incarnation died, reciting the poem "Flowers wither and lose their color, much as I reflect in vain. Time lost to the long ran." Reaching the spot of Kagura's death, Kanna finds all that remains of her sister - Kagura's fan.

Picking up the fan, Kanna looks up at the sky with her emotionless eyes, as if the spirit of Kagura is there with her. Kanna asks if Kagura got her freedom, and became the wind. A drop of rain falls against Kanna's mirror like a tear as she says she has nothing. Kanna walks off with Kagura's fan, once more saying she has nothing, as she fades away into the distance.

As the rain continues to pour, Naraku floats inside his personal barrier at his hideout. Sore and recovering from the damage inflicted upon him by Kikyō's final attack, Naraku thinks about how there is a small speck of pure light deep inside the Shikon Jewel, which has been completely defiled otherwise. As something of great annoyance, Naraku finds that he cannot banish this speck of light from the jewel, meaning Kikyō continues to defy him even in death.

Later, on a sunny forest path, Inuyasha and friends are walking, as usual, quarreling, as they enter a small village full of beautiful flowers. Kagome, Sango, and Miroku find the scent of the flowers soothing, while Inuyasha find it sickening; Shippō and Kirara feel the same. The villagers invited them to stay the night. Inuyasha is against the idea, but everyone is all for it; majority vote wins. The villagers give them a house they have for travelers, to sleep in for the night. Inuyasha finds it suspicious since the village doesn't look that well-off for something like this. Annoyed by Inuyasha's poor attitude, Sango asks Kagome to make Inuyasha "Sit!"; however, she just rhetorically asks what the point would be. Thinking, Kagome knows Inuyasha hasn't gotten over Kikyō's death yet, and it's going to take him some time to move on from it.  

Elsewhere, the villagers arrive at an ominous castle near the village and report to their "Flower Prince" that they have successfully brought new travelers to him. The Flower Prince says that this news does indeed please him, and that he's detected the scent of a horribly injured soul amongst Inuyasha's group. Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku are each suffering from something (grief, concern) that makes them likely to be the one who the Flower Prince is talking about.

Back in the traveler's house, everyone but Inuyasha has fallen asleep. He notices that the scent of the flowers is getting stronger and all the more sickening. Shippō and Kirara are getting much more ill as the night goes on. Kagome wakes, asking if he can't sleep. However, Inuyasha says that while he can, he doesn't want to; if he did sleep, all that he'd dream about is Kikyō. Shippō wakes up with a sneeze. Kagome gives him a handkerchief to blow his nose with; Shippō says his nose is snuffed and his eyes are itchy. Kagome tells Shippō that he's suffering from allergies, Inuyasha questions what the word means, most likely because it hasn't be thought of yet to explain the symptoms.

 Kagome tells Shippō that he's suffering from allergies, Inuyasha questions what the word means, most likely because it hasn't be thought of yet to explain the symptoms

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