Chapter 24 : Tetsusaiga break

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As Inuyasha and Sango lay, wounded, they are taken care of by Shippō while Miroku and Kagome gather medicinal herbs. But Soul Collectors appear, and Inuyasha follows them to Kikyō. They chat a bit, Kikyō seems to have a plan to destroy both Naraku and the Shikon Jewel, which comforts Inuyasha a bit since she obviously doesn't want him dead (... or at least not by Naraku's hand).

Kagura interrupts and attacks, but she's quickly defeated by Kikyō and escapes. Kikyō leaves. Inuyasha goes back to his friends, but doesn't expand on the content of his chat with Kikyō, much to Kagome's annoyance. Lucy was quietly want to see Kikyo by herself if she has a chance. When Kagome was leaving not hearing Inuyasha, Lucy just sigh while pat Inuyasha's shoulder saying that she understand.

Inuyasha was smile grateful to Lucy since she the only one understand him. He was also know that Lucy have been friendly with Kikyo. Lucy was having a good time when she meet Kikyo.

Meanwhile, a new incarnation of Naraku, Goshinki, is destroying a village to lure Inuyasha and his sword there. Goshinki, to Kagura's surprise, is big, seemingly stupid and beast-like... but able to read minds. Kagura helps trapping Inuyasha by sending a dead man to warn him of the village's destruction, but she's disgusted by Goshinki's cruelty and leaves. Inuyasha arrives and battles Naraku's third incarnation, just in time to save the two children who are the village's last survivors. 

Enraged, Inuyasha is about to use the Wind Scar when Goshinki prevents him from it and breaks the Tessaiga between his jaws. Inuyasha is hurt, and more, he's shocked nearly out of his mind. Goshinki taunts the others a bit to make them attack him (attacks he would be able to dodge due to his mind-reading ability), and mocks Inuyasha's death... except he isn't dead. But he won't say about Lucy since he get a warning from Naraku. Lucy may have a chance but she can't use her Reiseiga after she thinking about Riko's power.

Lucy have a feeling about something will happen. Inuyasha is not only very much alive, he's transformed into his full-demon form and has no trouble killing Goshinki bare-handed. After his kills off all of them Inuyasha is still in his full-demon form and is obviously thirsty for more blood. His friends are worried, unsure of how to revert him back. Especially Lucy. She was really shock to see his appearance as a full demon form.

However, Kagome bravely goes up to him, causing the rest of the group to yell that Inuyasha is not himself and may kill her, and she calmly uses the "sit" command on him. This causes him to go back to his normal self, to everyone's relief. Lucy have wonder of his appearance and need to find answer anyway.

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