Chapter 52 - Kikyo's alive

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Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango and Miroku look at the arrow that broke Hakudōshi's barrier. They all wonder if it was shot by Kikyō, but Inuyasha tells them that it does not have Kikyō's scent on it. The villagers with them suggest that the Holy One they seek may have shot the arrow.

Near the village of the Holy One, Princess Abi and her demon birds are attacking the villagers who are protected in a cave by a barrier. As the villagers are beginning to flee the barrier in panic, the Holy One arrives and quickly slays all the demon birds with a single arrow. Surprised by her defeat, Princess Abi flees.

Inuyasha and companions arrive just after the Holy One has left to pursue Princess Abi. They consider whether they should follow the Holy One.

Kagura watches as Hakudōshi heals himself with his barrier, and she realizes that his heart is not held within his body.

Meanwhile, Kaede is summoned to Kikyō's shrine and arrives just in time to see the two helpers of the Holy One depart, each holding a container of dirt and ashes from Kikyō's grave.

Inuyasha and his friends follow the Holy One's path to the Forbidden Mountain, and along the way they see a lot of demons also seeking the elusive saint.

Inuyasha sends the rest on while he stops to battle the demons behind them. When he finishes, he runs into the Holy One and her helpers, and demands to know who she is.

As the others stop to battle demons, Kagome sees a pair of soul collectors and pursues them.

Inuyasha approaches the Holy One, only to find that it is a puppet. When it disperses, Kagura is overhead. She tells Inuyasha that Naraku thinks Kikyō is still alive, and that the arrow that broke Hakudōshi's barrier was smeared with dirt from Onigumo's cave.

Kagome runs through the forest, chasing the soul collectors. They lead her to the base of a waterfall. When Kagome looks in the water, she sees Kikyō.

In a town, women gossip, discussing the strange happenings at the birth of the new lord. All the vassals in the birthing room are dead under strange circumstances, and they wonder if demons are responsible. The lord is happy to have an heir.

Meanwhile, Sango, Miroku and Shippō finally manage to destroy the remaining demons and meet up with Inuyasha who finds them. Inuyasha, realizing Kagome was not with them, asks where Kagome is. They then tell him how Kagome followed soul collectors and how she passed through a barrier and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Inuyasha, realizing the soul collectors are Kikyō's, demands to be taken to the barrier.

Kagome, during this, finds Kikyō in a small water hole below a waterfall. Kikyō's helpers explain to her that Kikyō is being poisoned by Naraku's miasma, and that Kagome is the only one who can save Kikyō. They tell Kagome that all she must do is touch Kikyō to purify the miasma and heal her wound, but tell her she must make the choice whether or not to save her soul. Kagome instantly says she will; somewhat surprising her helpers before she jumps into the water and reaches out to touch Kikyō. Kagome grabs a hold on Kikyō and tries to heal her, but as she begins to purify her, she sees the miasma is pushing away the purification. Kikyō's helpers reveal that darkness makes the miasma stronger and Kagome must save Kikyō before the sun sets.

Suddenly, as Kagome struggles to save Kikyō, she then sees the last day of Kikyō's life when Naraku tricked Kikyō and Inuyasha into believing they had betrayed one another. As she watches the vision, her helpers fear she will not make it in time as Kikyō's soul is already beginning to fade away.

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