Chapter 14 : Lucy meet Kikyo

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Inuyasha, Lucy, Kagome, Shippo and Miroku were stopped the palace where their young princess have been sick. They have learn that souls of dead women are being stolen from their bodies. Lucy have a feeling uncomfortable about what general palace told for. She feel that something were connection with Inuyasha.

At the night, Miroku and Shippo were at older princess's room meanwhile Lucy, Inuyasha and Kagome have to take care of young princess. Hime and Yui were sleeping near Kagome. Lucy then tell Inuyasha that she want to walk around by herself and Inuyasha had allow her anyway. Lucy have a sword on her side so she can protect herself from any danger.

When she walk out from the palace, she saw a few soul collector were going to the forest. Lucy was quickly going after them. When she had already arrive, she saw a monk was already died and being killed by a woman name Kikyo.

Lucy has recognize her since her face look like Kagome. Lucy finally found a culprit that using those dead souls to animate her body but Lucy know that she can't blame her since that was only her choice to live.

Then Kikyo was already leave after talking a little to a girl. Lucy was decide to follow her. A little moment later, Lucy saw Kikyo rest on the branch. She was look at Kikyo's face. When she remember of Inuyasha and Kikyo's tragic love, it was make her upset. Kikyo was sense her presence and ask Lucy to get out of the hideout.

Lucy was follow her order and get out from her hideout anyway to face with Kikyo. Kikyo was looking at Lucy. "Who are you, young lady? I had feel a power that I know from you. Are you a daughter of Kazuhi Riko?" Ask Kikyo who still look at Lucy.

Lucy just stay calm anyway looking at Kikyo. "Yeah, I am. My name is Lucy Heartfilia Higurashi. I do know you. You're Kikyo." Said Lucy. Kikyo was a little surprise to hearing about what Lucy saying for. "Really? How do you know me, Lucy?" Ask Kikyo quietly.

Lucy was thinking if she should tell Kikyo or not but she guess that she not scared anything. "I had hearing a lot from your sister, Kaede. You know that I was travel with Inuyasha and my adopted sister, Kagome." Said Lucy with honestly.

Kikyo's eyes were widen when hearing what Lucy said for. Kikyo seems angry, hurt and hate when heard about Inuyasha. "So, what do you want from me, Lucy?" Said Kikyo harshly. Lucy doesn't effect of her harshness since she know her feeling. "I won't stop you from doing anything at Inuyasha. I'm understand your feeling, Kikyo. Whatever you doing, I'll just let you. But what I want from you was to be your friend, Kikyo." Said Lucy with a calm face.

Kikyo was shock to heard what Lucy saying to her. Kikyo look at Lucy and saw that Lucy was serious anyway. Her heart was feel warm anyway. "Why you want to be my friend , Lucy?" Ask Kikyo nicely to Lucy.

Lucy was smile at Kikyo making Kikyo feel calm. "Because I feel something from you. I don't know why but I just want to be your friend. I hate to see you being alone, Kikyo. That's why I want to be your friend. Please don't keep in yourself. I'm here for you, Kikyo." Said Lucy nicely.

Lucy's word had make her heart feel warm and touching. Kikyo realize that she can't resist to be be her friend. She was already making her decision and decide that she will trust on Lucy. She know that Lucy will never betray her like what Inuyasha done to her.

"Okay, Lucy. I will be your friend." Said Kikyo with a smile on her face. Lucy was brighten up when she heard that Kikyo accept her to be her friend. She was really happy making Kikyo chuckle a little. "Really? Thank you, Kikyo. I'm promise that I won't let you get hurt. If you feel lonely, just come over to me. Anytime when you feel want to talk with me, Kikyo." Said Lucy in her happy tone.

Kikyo was really like to see Lucy's happy face. It had warm her heart anyway. Kikyo had promise to herself that she will protect Lucy from any harm. "Yeah, sure. I will come to you, Lucy." Said Kikyo who still smile at Lucy. Lucy think that she want to stay with Kikyo for a night.

"Kikyo, can I sleep here for one night?" Ask Lucy shyly. Kikyo was a little shock when she look at Lucy. "Why, Lucy? Don't you think that your friend will get worry of you?" Said Kikyo softly.

Lucy just grin before scratching her head. "Well, I know they are worry about me but I will explain to them. Don't worry. I will try to make any excuse over them, Kikyo." Said Lucy with a grin on her face. Kikyo just chuckle and agree to let her sleep here with her. "Okay, I will let you stay here, Lucy." Said Kikyo. Lucy was look so happy while walking toward a tree where Kikyo rest for. "Thanks, Kikyo." Said Lucy happily.

Before she could sit on the ground, two soul collector had pick her up making her nearly fall but she quickly hold them. She was bring up to Kikyo and put her beside Kikyo. Kikyo was smile warm at Lucy making her smile back.

Not too long, Lucy was feeling tired and had fallen asleep. Kikyo was watching her sleeping face. 'She look so peace when she sleeping. I know that I will love her as my friend. Thank you, Lucy.' Thought Kikyo when she put Lucy's head on her shoulder quietly for not waking her up before she sleep.

Tomorrow morning, Lucy had woke up from sleeping and realize that she sleep on Kikyo's shoulder. Lucy was move her head and look at Kikyo's peaceful face. It was make Lucy smile. 'Kikyo look so peaceful when she sleep. I really like to see her face like that.' Thought Lucy. Kikyo then woke up from sleeping and look at Lucy.

"You're already awake, Lucy?" Said Kikyo in husky voice. Lucy just smile at Kikyo. "Yeah, I am. Good morning, Kikyo. How do you feel right now?" Said Lucy with a nicely. Kikyo was smile at her question. "Good morning to you too, Lucy. Well, I'm feeling better right now. I think that you should go. I have a feeling that your friend will worry about you, Lucy." Said Kikyo with a soft tone.

Lucy was realize about that and get down from the branch quickly. She look up at Kikyo. "I guess you're right. I have to go now. See you again, Kikyo. Take care of yourself." Said Lucy before she leave. Kikyo just smile looking at Lucy. "Yeah, I will. Same to you, Lucy. Take care." Said Kikyo before looking at the sky.

Lucy was arrive where Inuyasha been for. They were sitting near the river. She had wonder what happen last night since she left. Inuyasha sense her presence and ask her where she going for. Lucy was trying to make an excuse when Inuyasha smell Kikyo's scent on Lucy.

"Wait a minute. Why you have a scent of her, Lucy?" Said Inuyasha confuse looking at Lucy. Lucy was sigh knowing that she can't hiding anything from Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, Kikyo was alive. I have meet her last night. What happen to the souls that were coming from Kikyo. She need a soul to make her stay alive. But in the rest, I will just let you settle by yourself." Said Lucy.

After Lucy explain to them, Inuyasha just silent anyway and going to find Kikyo. Lucy just sigh and permission to stay here. She hope that everything will be fine.

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