Chapter 35 : Rin been kidnapped

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Inuyasha picks up Naraku's scent in the area and proceeds to follow it. Jaken rushes to Sesshōmaru's side to tell him Rin was abducted. One of Naraku's puppets appears and tells him that if he does not wish to see Rin harmed. He will do as he says and kill Inuyasha. Sesshōmaru simply ignores him, and passes through Naraku's barrier in pursuit of the villain. Inuyasha follows Naraku's scent while the others go in search of a Shikon fragment Kagome has detected that they believe must belong to Kohaku.

Kohaku has been charged with watching over Rin. Sango arrives and Kohaku is shocked because her face is the only thing Naraku was unable to erase from his mind. Inuyasha is able to cut through Naraku's barrier and orders Kagura to go take care of him, but she secretly wants to allow Inuyasha to come in hopes he will kill Naraku and set her free.

Lucy in another hand was study so hard and struggle for her exam. Sometimes she have a bad feeling about something happen to her companion. But she believes that Sesshomaru can handle the situation. She believe that Sesshomaru will do anything to make sure his companion save. Thinking about Sesshomaru making her happy.

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