Chapter 30 : Inuyasha's soul devoured

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Sesshōmaru, Jaken and Rin walk through the forest. A voice welcomes Sesshōmaru, and says he expects Sesshōmaru has come to talk about the swords.

Sango is sitting by Miroku, who is ill from the poison of the Saimyōshō he fought while Sango followed her brother.

Bokusenō, a 2000 year old magnolia tree demon, speaks of the Tetsusaiga and the Tenseiga. The sheaths of the swords come from this tree.

Sesshōmaru asks about Inuyasha, and how he has changed sometimes into a pure demon. The tree demon explains that Inuyasha is sometimes overcome by his demon blood to preserve his life. However the more often Inuyasha transforms, the more the blood will control him, eventually turning him into a mindless killer. The Great Dog Demon, knowing this, gave the Tessaiga to Inuyasha, to protect him from his blood.

As Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango are traveling, they come upon a village under attack by bandits, with a demon among them. The demon, desiring Tetsusaiga, battles Inuyasha, dousing him in toxic dust and slashing him across the torso with his battle-axe. Miroku tries to help Inuyasha, but the demon encases them in a poison cocoon with Tetsusaiga - transformed into a rusty sword again - trapped outside. Miroku created a barrier within the cocoon, but Inuyasha is poisoned and cannot move.

The demon - Gatenmaru - tries to claim Tessaiga, but the sword rejects the demon. Gatenmaru realizes that Inuyasha's human blood must allow him to wield the blade.

Worried about Miroku and Inuyasha, Sango and Kagome head toward the village. Inuyasha's wound, rather than healing, is opening further due to the venomous dust, and Miroku worries that his barrier can't last forever. As the barrier weakens, and Inuyasha's wounds get worse, his demon half begins to take control.

The bandits have camped around the town, and are enjoying saki while waiting for Miroku and Inuyasha to die. Gatenmaru consumes a woman from the village, and taunts Inuyasha as he reaches for another village woman to devour.

An old man of the village grabs the Tetsusaiga and tries to run it to Inuyasha. As the bandits are about to slay the old man, Sango and Kagome arrive and save him. Kagome takes possession of Tetsusaiga while the bandits surround them. Within the poison cocoon, Miroku's barrier is failing.

The demon leader of the bandits orders his men to retrieve Kagome, and Sango, Kirara and Shippō try to defend her.

Inside the cocoon, Inuyasha's demon blood takes control of him. He rips through the poison cocoon, freeing himself and Miroku. Under the demonic influence of his blood, Inuyasha cuts down a bunch of bandits.

Gatenmaru attacks Inuyasha again, this time Inuyasha defeats the monster easily. The human bandits, horrified by their master's death at the hands of Inuyasha's full demon form, turn and run.

Inuyasha chases down and confronts the fleeing bandits. The bandits beg for mercy and insist they were only following orders, but Inuyasha ignores their pleas and slays them. Kagome, still gripping Tetsusaiga, runs after Inuyasha, calling him. Kagome tries to return Tetsusaiga to Inuyasha, but he is distracted by the arrival of Sesshōmaru.

When Sesshōmaru draws his sword, Inuyasha knocks it aside. After a few moments of fighting, Sesshōmaru sees the truth of Bokusenō's words. With his typical contempt, Sesshōmaru easily tosses Inuyasha to the ground, unconscious. Kagome throws herself between the half-brothers. As Kagome begs Sesshōmaru to stop, Sesshōmaru instructs Kagome to use Tetsusaiga to return Inuyasha to his senses.

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